Part Twenty Eight

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 Your Point Of View

So I was sat next to both Leila and Ashton, sat in the middle because when Leila got a little annoyed with him not telling us about Lucy, Ashton tried to talk to her about it but was having none of it so here I was sat in the middle of them because not one of them has apologised to each other, which was a day ago now.

Ashton wouldn't apologise because he didn't think he was in the wrong and shouldn't apologise. After all, it was his relationship and he can tell us about his relationship with Lucy when he wanted to. However, Leila wouldn't apologise because she thought what Ashton did was wrong and he should have told us, straight away. So neither of them are actually talking and to make it worse me and Leila aren't really talking either because she still hadn't apologised for being rude to Luke this morning and guess what? She doesn't think she's in the wrong about that either so here I was sat in between them both, none of us talking just sitting there awkwardly.

"This is absolutely ridiculous are we seriously going to sit here not talking to each other, we're not five anymore," I say clearly annoyed at the fact we were sat in silence while all the other students were talking to their friends while getting the work done.Us, we were not talking and not getting our work done either, that's the thing about me, Ashton and Leila we like to talk and get our work done at the same time but if we aren't talking then our work isn't getting done.

"Well Ashton needs to say sorry" "I don't have to say sorry at all, it should be you apologising not me," Ashton says both of them look at each other, scoff and cross their arms. "Your acting like five-year-olds can't you both say sorry?" I ask they both say "no". I sigh and slouch in my seat. "This is damn ridiculous guys, ridiculous. I mean how long have we known each other for?" I ask looking at them both one at a long time.

"Years," they say in sync. "Exactly we've known each other for that long and what are we doing now? We aren't talking like we used to just because of relationships. Come on guys we're better than this and let's be real we are all sad and lonely without each other" I say seeing them nod their heads in agreement.

"Yn your so right" "Exactly what Ashton said," Leila says, they both smile at each other. "So does this mean we can go back to the way things were?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes! We can be the three musketeers again" Ashton says jokingly, I shake my head while smiling. " whatever you say Ash" Leila says smiling. "We are the best three musketeers I have ever seen," Ash says overs dramatically make me and Leila laugh.

This is what I missed, us three laughings like we always do sometimes you miss the laughs, the jokes, the humour when your not talking to your friends properly but it's not hard to make things right.

"I'm sorry Ashton for reacting the way I did when you said you had a girlfriend, I'm sorry I didn't mean to act that way but I couldn't help but feel betrayed somehow as you didn't tell us," Leila says explaining Ashton. "I understand now and thank you for apologising but I'm sorry too, for not telling you guys from the first day we started dating, after all, best friends tell each other everything right," Ashton says. "Right" "right"

"And yn I'm sorry for being rude to Luke. I might not like him but I promise I'll try and not be rude and at least be civil and respectful for you" Leila says looking at me. "Thank you, Leila, that's all I ever wanted you to do, who knows you might get to be friends, " I say, she shakes her head. "I wouldn't go that far, (your nickname)" She says.

"Being civil and respectful is fine by me but I would like it if you at least try to be his friend?" I say hopefully. "I'll try but I'm not promising anything Yn. You know the way he was really made me dislike him with passion" She says, I nod understandingly.

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