Part Twenty Two

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 Cameron's Point Of View

I and Yn had been running for a while now, she was really good at keeping up with me as we ran, I kept increasing my pace but she kept up, it was impressing for a seventeen-year-old girl that's for sure.

"So where to now?" Yn asks as we stopped running for a breather, and to take a sip of water to rehydrate. "I don't know we could run to the park?" I suggest, she nods while fastening the lid on her water. "It's because you want to play in the park, isn't it?" She asks teasingly, I grin. "Yes it really is," I say sarcastically, she laughs.

"Come on then, beat you to the park," She says and starts running, I run after her. "You're such a cheater!" I yell hearing her laugh as she ran in front of me, I had a nice view of her ass which was a bonus. Stop that Cameron she's younger than you!

Reaching the park we stopped at the swings, sitting down on them we had another drink of our water to cool down from the run, as we were hot and sweaty. "So how you feeling after that run?" I ask her, she looks at me then says, "good actually, yourself?" "I'm good. I'm surprised you could run as good as you did" I say, she raises her eyebrows at me. "Why's that?" She asks.

"Oh wait let me guess, it because I'm a girl isn't it?" She says I nod slowly. "You impressed me, though," I say seeing her smile. She had a nice smile. "It would be nice if it rained, though, we could cool down quicker then," She says, I eyed her she was now sipping on her water, "yeah," I say looking forward, I then felt water on me. Looking at yn she was now grinning at me, I looked down at my shirt to see it covered in water, looking back at Yn. "Did you just throw your water at me?" I ask shocked but grinning.

"No, why would I do that?" She asks innocently but I could see her grin. Opening my bottle she watches me while I pretend to take a sip, she looks away so I take that as my opportunity and throw the water content from the bottle over her, making her wet. " Cameron! " she yells looking at me, I smile innocently.

"Why did you do that?" She asks, " I don't know, I just felt like it." I say smiling at her, she shook her head while starting to smile. "It was payback, wasn't it? Because I threw mine at you" she says.

"Maybe, maybe not," I say grinning. We both got up and walked over to the bin and put our empty water bottles into the bin, don't litter kids.

"Ready to run back?" I ask looking at her, she looked at me and nodded. "Yeah starting to get hungry," she says. "Whoever gets back second has to make food for both of us, deal?" I ask, she nods her head. "Deal, prepare to be cooking food, Cameron," she says. I raise my eyebrow while a grin played at my lips, "we shall see YN." I say.

"On the count of 3, 2, 1. go" I just finish saying when we started running, YN running in front of me. "I hope you're good at cooking Cameron" I hear Yn taunt, running in front of me. I increased my pace and start running faster, I was not cooking that's for sure, I started running even faster and caught up with YN as we turned down the street where Yn lives, both of us running as fast as we could, trying to get back first so we didn't have to cook. Reaching yn's house we both stopped when a boy with blonde hair, blue eyes were now standing in front of both of us. He just glared at me, alright what the hell is his problem?

"Oh hey, Luke," YN says breaking the awkwardness, so the boy standing in front of us was called Luke. He stopped glaring at me and looked at yn, "hey" He says back with a hint of jealousy lingering in his tone.

"So what are you doing here?" Yn asks looking at Luke, watching him he just looked at her before speaking. "I was coming to see if you wanted to spend some time together" he starts saying then looks at me. " But I can see you're clearly busy" he continues while cutting his eyes at me, I raise my eyebrow at him and he looks back at YN.

"We've just been for a run," I say, Luke, looked at me. " good for you, clearly you need it," He says eyeing me before looking back at Yn. Who does he think he is? I bit down on my tongue to stop myself from saying something to him. Conceited prick.

"Do you want to come in? Cameron's making dinner" yn asks looking at Luke. "Am I now, I don't think either of us won?" I say, they both looked at me. Luke cut his eyes at me while Yn just sent me a pleading look, taking the hint I walked past Luke and up to the front door, opening the door I walked in not before looking back to see Yn talking to Luke. I didn't like Luke, he seems so full of himself.

Your Point Of View 

"So are you going to come in or what?" I ask Luke, he just looked at me. "No. I think you were pretty happy being with that guy so I'll leave you both two it," He says before walking off, I turned around and watched him walk away. "Luke!" I yelled after him but he just shook his head and carried on walking not bothering to look back.

What the hell was all that about? It seriously couldn't be because he saw me with Cameron?

We only went for a run! Walking up to the house, I walked in as Cameron left the door open and I closed it behind me. I then walked to the kitchen to see Cameron starting to cook food for us.

I sat down at the countertop table next to Sammy and two other boys. My mum and dad were out with Angie. "So what's up little cuz?" Sammy asks looking at me.

"I really don't get boys they are so confusing," I say, hearing one of the two boys laughs with who I didn't know their names yet. "Girls are way more confusing than us boys," one of them said.

"Oh yes Yn this is Nash and Carter," Sammy says pointing to each of the boys while saying their names. "Hi," I say sending them a small smile before resting my head on the table waiting for Cameron to cook the food but also wondering why Luke acted the way he did.

An. Team Cameron or Team Luke?

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