Part Seventeen

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 "You can go upstairs now Luke and take yn with you," Mum says after we had finished our dinner. "Are you sure you don't need any help?" Yn asks my mum, my mum smiles but shakes her head. Yn's little sister was asleep in the living room after falling asleep halfway through the food.

"I'm fine dear, your mother offered to help with the washing up early so go on you two, upstairs," my mum says, Me and Yn got out of our chairs and walked out of the dining room and along the corridor silently, not either one of us spoke as we walked resulting in an awkward silence making its presence between us both as we walked.

We walked up the stairs which I went up first and Yn followed me, I don't think she was happy about it because the frown on her face was present which I saw before I took the lead and walked upstairs first. I still don't get why she doesn't believe me when I say I like her, as I do like her and no I'm not lying either.

 I pushed open my door and walked in and walked over to my bed and laid down on it. I saw Yn walk in, she looked around my room before she turned and looked at me.

"I'm pretty surprised you don't have pictures of all the girls you've fucked up on your wall," she says bitterly, I raised my eyebrow at her. "Why would I do that, when I have a book with all the names in," I say, she then looks at me in disgust which I snicker. "Your not serious are you because that would be really bad," she says, I shake my head. "I'm not that much of an arsehole, thank you," I say, "Oh I beg to differ," She says as she walks over to my desk.

I just watched her, it went silent for a little while as I laid on my bed and Yn just looked at whatever was capturing her attention on my desk. "Hey Luke," she says, "yea?" "Who's this in this book?" She asks, what book?

Then it hit me she was looking through the family photo album which I took out of my mum's room without her knowing and left it on the desk. I soon stood up, and quickly walked over and slammed the book shut, she looked up at me, eyebrows raised. "What the hell-" "don't what the hell me, keep your nose out of my business alright," I say picking up the photo album and holding it in my hands while looking at her.

"Luke it's a photo album with a picture of a man stood with you-" she says looking at me, "you didn't see anything in that album at all, you didn't see no picture," I say coldly, she nods slowly. "Okay, Luke," she says, looking at me. I walked over to my bed, dropped the album on the floor and kicked it under my bed with some force.

How dare she look through that! It didn't have a sign on it saying 'look at me, why do people have to be nosey? Why did she have to look at it and why did she have to ask about HIM?

I then sat back down on my bed, looking at YN she was just looking at me silently, she was probably curious as to why I acted the way I did about her looking through the album, it wasn't the fact she looked through it, it was the fact she asked about HIM, HIM the man I can no longer stand and hate with a passion. I hated him so much.

"He's your dad isn't he," She says breaking the awkward silence that had surrounded us in my room, I nod while looking at her, "yeah," I say quietly while looking down at my hands. I then feel the bed go down, looking back up I saw that Yn was sitting next to me.

"He played women," I say looking at her, she just looked at me. "What?" She asks, sighing I repeat what I had just said. "He played women, Yn. He played them like they were toys and he didn't give a shit" I say, she nodded listening to me. "Why are you telling me this Luke?" She asks I look away from her and stand up and walk over to my desk, I then turn back around and lean against it while looking at her, she was looking at me.

"Because of HIM, I'm this way," I say, Yn looked at me, she said nothing. She was speechless I guess. "Because of him, I play girls like they're toys and don't have no feelings, because of him, I'm this way, YN. That is why I said I wanted to change because of you. You're the only girl I've liked for a long time and I don't want to be the way he was, I don't want to be like this anymore, I don't want to be this horrible person that plays girls like their toys and then throws them away like they're trash. I can't do it anymore, I don't want to be like him, YN. I can't be like him" I say getting myself worked up that many tears were making the way down my face.

I then saw Yn walk over to me and hug me, I slowly hugged her back, resting my head in the crook of her neck. "I can't be like him anymore, Yn. I can't" I mutter, she rubs my back with her hand. "You won't be Luke, you'll change and I'll help you," she says which I pulled away to look at her.

"You promise?" I ask her while wiping my eyes with my sleeve. "I promise you, Luke, if you don't want to be a player anymore or be like him, I'll help you along as your willing to change," she says, I nod. " I am, I don't want to be like him anymore, I want to be Luke," I say, she nods then smiles at me. She smiled at me! That doesn't mean she trusts you or believes that you like her player.

At least she smiled at me that's one thing. Here is to not be a player anymore, here's to changing and here's to not being like HIM anymore. I was going to change I was not going to play girls anymore, I was going to change and I was going to win Yn round. We shall see Luke, we shall see. 

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