Justin and Selena

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"Ready for high school, sweetheart." My mom sat by my bed till I opened my eyes and recognized she was there.

"Yeah..I guess. Are there going to be new people?" I said.

"Tons." She said with a smile. "Get dressed, I have breakfast downstairs."

I got dressed and headed downstairs.

"What would you like this morning, Mr. Bieber?" She said with an accent.

"Mom." I laughed. "I'll take whatever."

"Good, I made pancakes." She said.

After I ate, I walked to school. Right when I got through the first door to school, I saw dylan.

"Hey, Justin." He opened his arms for a hug.

"What's good, dyl." I said.

"Dude, there are some.." he eyes the room. "..Smokin hot girls here."

I smiled. The bell rang.

"We have the first class together." Dylan said.

We walked down the hall, and went into our classroom. There was a group of three girls around a few desks in a corner, and some people already in their seat.

"Hi justin." One of the girls said.

I smiled, and continued to walk to my seat.

"Wha-why do all the girls say hi to you." Dylan said.

I didn't answer.

"Doesn't matter. I still have jessica." Dylan said.

"Have you guys talked? Ever." I said.

"I've talked to her, mostly in my dreams." He made a sad face. "It'll happen."

"Sure, buddy." I said.


I feel like this year is just going to be an okay year. Nothing great had happened yet.

The bell rang, it was lunch. Me and dylan walked through the lunch line and scanned the room for a seat.

"Justin, come sit with us." One girl from the group of 3 said.

I looked at dylan, he shrugged and we walked over.

"Hey ladies." Dylan said.

They smiled. I looked around the room, for another possible place to sit.

"So..Justin" she said, I looked at her. "Do you play sports?"

"Yeah, football." I said.

"That's hot." She said. "My name is Brenna, you can call me Bre though."

"Cool." I said.

"This is amber" she pointed to the person to the right of her. "And this is Ariana" she looked to the left of her.

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