Chapter 12

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 ☃ Alison's P.O.V.

"I think your plan is working." Kate said as we walked along the corridor.

It's been a week since Luke started hanging out with us, and I think Tyler is warming up on him. He hasn't been scowling as much, and he's been joining conversation more often.

"I know. Now, I just need for them to hang-out alone." I told Kate my plan.

I was putting my books in my locker since it was already dismissal, but I still have to wait for Tyler since he has football practice. I was thinking of joining their drama club, but Tyler said it was too risky if people found out that I knew how to act.

He suggested for me to try-out for cheerleading, but I wasn't up for it.

"Good Luck with that."

I nodded. I do need luck if I was going to get Tyler to hang-out with Luke alone. Even though he had made great progress, he still doesn't like to admit that Luke's not much of a bad guy. Everyone knows how narrow-minded Tyler is and how much he despises Luke, but I know I can make it work....... somehow.

I groaned..

"What was that about?" Kate asked. We were headed to the field where the cheerleaders and football players practice.

"I just don't want to wait for another hour again." It just sucks sitting in a bench all alone, doing your homework, and I've only been doing it for three days, and I'm already bored.

"Why don't you just try-out for cheerleading? It's not that bad." She suggested.

I groaned again. The truth is I'm scared of the cheerleaders. I'm not usually a coward, but they could seriously hurt me, now that they know that Tyler and I are an item. I mean, slutty Amber is a cheerleader, and our last encounter wasn't so good. I can fight, but the cheerleading team are full of bimbos, and the only person who I can trust is Kate, and I'm not entirely sure she can protect me. She might say that, but I've never seen her fight before.

Back home, Hailey always had my back, and I didn't worry since she took 2 years' worth of karate lessons. She never used it though, but at least I know that when I'm in trouble, she could defend me.

"I'm just not good at dancing. I don't want to embarrass myself." I lied.


"Come on, Ty. It won't be that bad." I tried convincing Tyler again about him and Luke, but he won't budge. We were now heading home which I'm thankful for because it was extra boring today. I can't even look at the other football players since I was with Tyler, so the only person I'm looking at was him which wasn't that bad since he was extremely hot, but still....

"No. I'm not doing that, Ali."

"Please!" I pleaded. "I'll do anything."

He tried to think of something. "Join the cheerleading club." He ordered.

"No way!" I said almost instantly.

"Then my answer to your request is 'No way!' as well." He mimicked my voice.

"That's not how I sound." I mumbled quietly.

"Yes, it is." He had a cheeky smile on his face.

I groaned. "Don't you have any other request? I mean, let me do anything but that." I tried to reason with him.

"No, it's either you join the cheerleading team or else I'm not going to hang out with Luke." He parked in front of my house.

I tried to think of others ways I could convince him to hang out with Luke without me being a cheerleader, but I couldn't come up with anything.

"Okay, I'll do it." I crossed my arms as I finally gave in with his request.

He kissed my forehead. "Good girl."

I frowned. "Why do you even want me to join the cheerleading team? Do all jocks really have to have a cheerleader as a girlfriend?"  I asked.

"No, I just don't want you to be bored all the time. I don't want you to wait for me to finish practice all year long. The guy should be the one waiting, not the other way around." He said in a concerned tone. "Plus, it wont be so bad to see you in a cheerleading outfit." He was hinting on me a little bit, gving a little wink as well.

I decided to just ignore his earlier comment. I was not in the 'punching someone' mood. "I'll see you tomorrow, fake boyfriend." I blew him a flying kiss before getting inside my house. He pretended to catch it . "Sure thing, fake girlfriend!"

Somehow I'm not even offended or annoyed by his coomments anymore. I think I've gotten used to his attitude. I often forget that this whole thing is just a scam to fool everyone, but ever since I've gotten to know Tyler so well, it seems so effortless to act.


"I don't really see why joining the cheerleading team is such a big dilemna. You were co-captain last year and was supposed to be cheer captain this year, but since you moved away, we had to settle for second best." Hailey was right. I was supposed to be next in line, but since I found out that I was moving away, I quit cheerleading. I didn't want to, but I had to do it since I had so many things to do before we move away. I was lucky that most of the cheerleaders didn't get mad when I left the team so suddenly. I didn't completely abandon them. When I had the time, I would visit them and maybe, give some advice about the routines they were doing.

"You do realize you just called yourself second best." I put a huge spoon of chocolate ice cream in my mouth. I always eat when I'm stressed or have a problem.

"And I'm not afraid to say it." Hailey snapped her fingers in front of the camera like she was some diva. "You were the best dancer in the team. I'm good, but I'm not as good as you."

"I don't know, Hailey. I just don't think I can survive if I'm in the cheerleading team. Before, I had you and your karate expertise. Now, I'm all defenseless." Before I knew it, tears were already rolling.

"Ali, don't cry. You know when you cry, I cry." She started sobbing as well.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't realize how much I miss my bestfriend." I grabbed a tissue from the drawer and tried to dry my face with it.

"I miss you too. You know, if you ever get in trouble with one of the girls, I would take the first flight to California and personally kick her butt for you." She gave me encouragement.

"Thanks, I know I could count on you."

"Cyber hug?" She suggested, stretching her arms wide open.

I laughed.

I have the greatest/ weirdest bestfriend ever!


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