Chapter 30

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 👫 Alison's P.O.V.  👫

I stared blankly at him. Did he just say what I think he said?

"Can you repeat that again?" I said slowly.

"I said that I LIKE YOU." Tyler emphasized 'I like you'. "For real. This is no joke." He added.

I don't know what my face looked like, but I'm pretty sure I look like crap with mud on my face.

He got off of me, and lay next to me. The rain finally stopped and all we did was look at the stars. There was a moment of silence, but my brain was thinking way much more. My thoughts were having conversations in my head, and I had to join in as well.

'He said he likes you!" My brain said.

"I know, but do I like him?" I mentally said.

"I don't know. I'm your brain not your heart."

"Then how am I going to know if I like him as a friend or something more?"

"Well, the kiss was intense. Did that mean something?" My brain asked.

The kiss...

I mentally sighed, that kiss was amazing. If all men could kiss like that, then women won't have any problems at all, but does that mean I like him? I have no idea. I mean, attraction is different than liking someone. I know we have chemistry between the two of us, but does that mean that I should be with him? Lots of co-stars in movies have chemistry, but that doesn't mean they should be together.

I heard Tyler sigh. I turned my head; he was still looking at the stars. Should I say something?

"Um.." I said. Where am I going with this?

"It's okay if you don't like me back. I just wanted you to know." He finally looked at me and we locked gazes.

"That's the problem. I don't know if I do like you or not. I'm just not really good with handling confessions, so it might take time." I started playing with my fingers. I remember them being tangled in Tyler's hair and I internally smiled.

What I said wasn't entirely true. I really didn't how I feel about him, but I am good with handling confession, but usually when someone confesses to me, it's either I'm not close to them or I don't know them, so it's pretty simple to turn them down, but in this case, the one confessed to me is actually my bestfriend (in California). How do you respond with that? If I say yes to be his real girlfriend and we broke up, we will never talk to each other again, but if I said no then there would be awkwardness between us, and our friendship would never be the same.

"So it's a maybe?" He asked, a glint of hope in his eyes.

I nodded.

"That's better than a no, right?" He said, trying to lighten up the mood. I chuckled softly. "I guess so." I answered.

"Tyler, Alison, what are you two doing outside?" We heard a voice said. We sat up and turned around to see Tyler's mom, Vivian, standing by the glass door.

"Well, we were playing in the rain." Tyler answered, standing up and lending a hand to help me stand as well.

"And you just decided to lay there on the mud?" Vivian said.

"Yeah, it's a thing that teenagers do these days." Tyler lied. I smiled at his lame excuse, but went along with it by nodding. His mother eyed as both, but didn't ask any further more questions.

"Get inside and get cleaned up. We don't want both of you to get sick."

We both nodded and head our way inside.

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