Chapter 18

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👫 Alison's P.O.V. 👫

"How was your 1st year anniversary?" I asked Kate, who was sitting beside in homeroom..

"It was great." She said, dreamily. "The Ferris wheel and this t-shirt, it was perfect. Thank you, Sonny."

"What are you thanking me for?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I know you were the one who planned all of this. Alex can be the most creative person in the world, but he can never be this romantic."

It was true. I did help Alex with the t-shirt. I just thought it would be a great gift for her since Kate is such a fashion diva. Alex designed the shirt perfectly. It was drawing of the Eifel Tower with a boy and a girl in it, who I presume is Alex and Kate. Alex told me how Kate always wanted to go to Paris for the summer, but then her family decided to go to Hawaii to visit their grandparents which in the end, Alex went along with her. Kate's parents don't completely trust Alex yet, even though they've been together for a year now. My favourite part about the shirt was Alex's signature at the lower right of the drawing, so that Kate knows that it's a one of a kind shirt.

I had to call my mom for a favour, and when she heard about it, she decided to help. She manufactured a simple long sleeve, white t-shirt, and I gave her Alex's design. After a week, the shirt was done, and Alex was ready for his date with Kate.

"I thought of the shirt, but Hailey was the one who thought about the Ferris wheel." I couldn't let myself have all the credit.

"How is Hailey? Is she still with that Declan guy?" She asked.

Kate has met Hailey when she slept over at my house. They became close in a matter of minutes. Hailey told her all about the Dylan situation, and about how he's dating this other guy named Declan. Declan seems like a nice guy, but I just don't think they're right for each other. I've never even meet him, only in pictures, but I feel like there is something fishy about the guy, but I shouldn't judge, I haven't met him in person.

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'. "Zack tried hitting on her, but failed miserably."

She laughed. "What else do you expect from Zack?"


"Hey, do you want to go to my house after the game later tonight? My parents are out of town, and this could be a way to thank you guys for helping Alex with all the planning." Kate said.

"Let me think. Should I go to a party with booze and chicks or a sleepover with a bunch of guys with their girlfriends?" Zack said putting on his thinking face. Kate and I gave him a warning look. "Sleepover with guys it is."

"Then it's settled. We're having a sleepover!" Kate gave me a high five while the other guys just groaned in response.

"So who are guys fighting against tonight?" I said, changing the topic.

"Well, we're against The Beavers." Luke answered.

"The Beavers?" I asked in disbelief. What kind of school has a beaver as its mascot?

"Just because their mascot is a beaver doesn't mean they're not strong. Their quarterback is pretty good. We only won last year because he had injury last year, and couldn't play." Liam said.

"I bet you can beat them." I said as I take a bite of my salad.

I've been having a strict diet these days, because I just found out that I've been gaining a few pounds. It turns out eating a pack of Cheetos everyday isn't good for your health and figure, so I've decided to eat less and exercise more which have been really shitty since eating a salad is definitely not appetizing, but I have no choice but to suffer for a few more days. It's really not helpful when everyone around you is eating burgers, pizza and pasta.

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