Chapter 22

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🎄 Alison's P.O.V. 🎄

"Merry Christmas!" Tyler greeted me and gave me a hug.

Today, everyone will be going to my house to open our presents for each other. It's already two in the afternoon, and since Tyler lives next door, he was the first one to come. I'm not really completely thrilled because I'm not sure if he'd like the gift that I'm going to give him, but it was the only thing I could think of that was somewhat appropriate for our first Christmas together even though we're not really together, I still feel like I owe him a lot, because if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have met Kate, Sophia, Ben, Ella and the guys.

"Merry Christmas to you too!" I hugged him back. Ever since I decided to forget about the dream that I had on the beach, things have been back to normal, and I'm glad because there was no more awkaward silence between us, and I think he forgot about it too since he never asked about it anymore.

"Where's my gift?" I asked, beaming like a little child.

Christmas is my favourite holiday, next to my birthday that is. I know this sound silly, but I still believe in Santa Claus. I mean, when I was little, I'd make a card to him and on Christmas day, he'd give me what I ask for because I was a good girl. I know, you're going to say that it was probably my parents who did that, but I always sleep next to them when I was a little girl, and I always found them sleeping next to me when I wake up, so I don't think they could've done it. Now that I'm a big girl, I asked my parents if they were the one who gave me presents, but they still deny it. I don't know if they're telling the truth or they're just really good liars like I am. I guess the acting was really in my genes. I still don't find anything wrong with believing in Santa, even though I'm a teenager now, I still think he's out there somewhere making toys for every good kid in the world.

He chuckled. "Not yet. We have to wait for everyone before I give you your present." He made his way to the living room and I just kept looking at the huge plastic he was carrying. My gift has to be there somewhere. "Stop looking at the bag." he said. How the hell did he even know that I was looking at the bag?

I followed him to the living room where I sat next to him. "Where are the other guys? I really want to open my presents." I tried annoying the hell out of him.

He sighed. "They're on their way. Why don't you open your other presents?" He turned on the television, flipping through the channels.

"But I already did that a while ago." I c

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