Chapter 23

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🎅 Alison's P.O.V 🎅

Playing in the snow was definitley the highlight of my Christmas day. I didn't win anything but I'm sure if there was a contest, I'd probably get the title of 'Best Snowball Player Ever' and Tyler would get 'Worst Sportmanship Ever' just because we all ganged up on him and covered in snow doesn't give him the right to lock us out of the house for thirty minutes. We did get back on him by not putting any marshmallows in his hot chocolate, let's just say he wasn't a happy camper after that.

I also loved having dinner with my parents. My mom decided to cook for us, which was simply amazing. I haven't tasted her cooking in like forever. She made her signature spagetti and meatballs which is also my favorite next to Ben's pancakes. Sorry, mom! After that, we watched movies all night long. It was a great having them by my side once more even when it's only for a while. Today, they had to go back to work but they did say that they'll leave early since it's only a day after Christmas and there only be a few things to do.

I decided to call up the gang to hang-out in my place for a while since there's nothing else to do. Everyone is already here except for Tyler who said that he'd be coming late since he had some stuff to do. He didn't mention what that stuff was, but it seems very important since he hanged-up on me very quickly. The guys were playing some X-box, which Zack brought, in the living room while Kate and I were preparing some drinks and food for us all to eat.

"Happy 6 month anniversary!" Kate handed me a can of Coca-Cola.

I arched my eyebrow. "Ain't my boyfriend supposed to be saying that?"

She laughed. "Well, he isn't here and I don't think he's the kind of guy to remember half year anniversaries."

She did have a point there. Tyler isn't really the romantic type unless he has to be and I don't think he even remembers our anniversary. I mean, if I were him, and this was my first relationship, I wouldn't remember either, and it's not like I'm his real girlfriend, so I really shouldn't expect anything.

I sighed. "Let's cheers to that!" We both lift our drinks and drank it. I need alcohol...


Four games later and Tyler hasn't arrived, and I'm getting worried. I tried calling him, but they all lead to voice mall which I can't believe is happening. He never puts me to voice mail. 'What if he's with another girl?' I thought but I pushed that out of my head. It isn't my bussiness to mess with his bussiness, I'm just a fake girlfriend to him. Suddenly, all the zombies on the screen was starting to look like Tyler, and I just shoot them all down.

"Hey! You just killed me!" Zack exclaimed. I look at him dumbfounded and look at the screen to see his character's lifeless body being eaten by zombies.

"Sorry, I thought you were a zombie." I lied. A cheating zombie that is...

I focused on the game once more. It was only me and Liam who were still alive while the others either got killed or by Kate's situation, killed herself with her own weapon, which I didn't know was possible. As I was getting really into the game, the doorbell rang. I instantly thought of Tyler and turned my head, and by the time I looked back, I was already turned into a zombie. I throwed my game controller "I'll get it!" I said. I quickly stood up and stumbled my way through the door. Why am I so excited to see him? I only saw him yesterday. I composed myself as I opened the door to see my ever so loyal fake boyfriend Tyler.

"Where did you go?" I asked him, sounding the less paranoid than I should.

"I just went to pick someone up." he answered. I knew it! He has another girl and she's probably better looking than me. He's going to break-up with me right here and right now.

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