Chapter 14

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 🍁 Tyler's P.O.V. 🍁

"Be nice or else.. >:( " Ali texted me.

Luke is about to come to my house today, so that we could have some 'bonding time'. I really don't want to, but since Ali got into cheerleading just for this, I don't have a choice. She told me that I shouldn't be rude, and if she sees Luke leave early, she's going to kill me. I don't really believe that she can kill, but she can definitely hit a person. I have the bruising to prove it.

"Is that emoticon supposed to scare me, because it's not working.." I texted back, and after a few seconds I got a reply.

"Whatever.. t(-.-t)"

I laughed. I was about to text back when the doorbell rang. I guess Luke is here already.

This is gonna be a horrible afternoon.


"I can't believe you beat me again!" I threw my game controller for the 5th time today.

"It's all practice." Luke said in his 'everything-is-easy-for-me' tone.

I have to admit, playing video games with Luke is definitely fun, even though I kept losing (no surprise there since I'm playing against Mr. Perfect), but we have so much in common that it doesn't even matter anymore.

"Yeah, whatever." I took a sip of my rootbeer.

"You know, I don't like Ali." He said, all of a sudden. I have no idea what made him change topic like that.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to play dumb.

"You hate me because you think I'm going to steal Alison from you."

"No, I hate you before Ali even came here." I said in defence.

"Yeah, but ever since you knew that Ali and I had the same schedule, you've been hating on me even more. I just want to tell you that Ali's a nice girl, but I'm not into her, and even if I am, Ali is totally in love with you." He said.

"Well, she's an actress. That's what she does." I wanted to say back, but I couldn't.

"And you're totally in love with her." He added.

Did I just hear him right??

"Woah, I never said I love her." I don't love her.... right?

"You don't need to; it's written all over your face. I mean, you're jealous most of the time, you're always with her and you treat her like she's the queen." He was clearly exaggerrating. I don't treat her like a queen.

"That's because she's my girlfriend." I reasoned.

"That's also another reason. You introduced her as a girlfriend, and you never do that to another girl. The only other girl you really hang-out with is Kate. Admit it, you're in love." From playing video games to having to talk about my love life was definitely not in the 'to do' list today.

My mouth was open, but nothing was coming out. I didn't have anything to say, but all of this is just a contract. It's not supposed to be real. Maybe, I'm just a good actor, and got caught up with this persona. That's probably the reason, I'm not in love, and I'm just a great actor like Alison.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but don't tell anyone I told you that." I said that was supposed to be a lie, but I felt like there was some truth in it too. Ugh. I can't fall in love. Tyler Peterson never falls in love. It's just impossible. I don't do love.

"No problem." He looked at his watch. "I have to go. I have to pick my little sister from day care. It was fun hanging-out with you."

"Same here." We did a bro hug, and with that he left.

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