Chapter 21

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🎁 Alison's P.O.V. 🎁

"Sonny, wake up." someone shook me vigorously. I opened my eyes to see Kate. "You need to change. We're going home."

"How long was I out?" I rubbed my eyes.

"About half an hour. It's almost five. We need to go now if we want to escape traffic." I nodded, heading towards the car to get my clothes.

"Where are the other guys?" I asked her.

"They're all in the changing room already. Tyler had to carry you in the cottage because he didn't want you to get sunburn. It's so weird how you sleep so easily." Kate commented.

My thoughts wondered of to Tyler. He said the 'L' word to me or at least I think he did. Maybe, it was just a dream. I was already half-asleep and it could've been another couple near us who said the 'L' word. It's a huge possibility that it wasn't even Tyler who said that. I mean, why would Tyler say that? First of all, he isn't my real boyfriend. Second, we're just friends, and lastly, he's not even slightly interested in me. He just thinks of me as a good friend. That's all.

"Are you okay?" Kate said, cutting my train of thoughts.

"Yeah, why would you think something's wrong?"

"Well, you're frowning, and it looks like you're about to cry." she said sounding concerned.

I wiped my eyes and sniffed. "I'm still a bit sleepy that's all." I turned my frown upside down.

Why am I even crying? 

I shouldn't think of this anymore. Maybe, I still need a bit more sleep to get my head clear out.


We're heading back home, lucky for us; there was no traffic at all. Everyone is already asleep except for me and of course, Tyler. I tried sleeping, but I just couldn't. I don't know why, maybe, it's because I just slept or I'm just not in the mood of sleeping. I tried pretending to sleep, but it's too hard. I'd end up moving every ten seconds because I wasn't comfortable or something was itching.

"Is something wrong? You seem a little bit down." Tyler said, breaking the silence.

"Nope. Everything's fine." Biggest lie EVER!!

"Really? You seem to be awfully quiet." He questioned.

"Yeah, I'm just very hungry." Second Biggest Lie Ever!!

"Oh, you should've said something. I'll call Alex to stop at the nearest restaurant, so we can eat. I don't want you to get hungry."

I fake a laugh which brought a smile to his face.

Ten minutes later, we stopped and ate at a pizza place. I was full once more and ready to go. Alex said that it'll only take a few more minutes before we get home if there is no traffic. I was happy to hear the news because I don't want to stay at Tyler's car any longer. My whole body is aching from the two hour trip. Tyler may have a big car, but I'm telling you when you sit there for hours, it gets smaller and smaller by the minute. I was never really good with road trips.

It only took us thirty minutes before we got back home. We first dropped off Zack and Liam since I was neighbours with Tyler. After Zack and Liam woke up, it wasn't as awkward as it was before, but when we dropped them off. The awkwardness came back. I guess you can say that I'm not comfortable with Tyler alone, but lucky for me, that Liam's house was only five minutes away from our house, so it didn't last too long.

"Goodnight." He said.

I smiled and waved to him as I head back to my house. I shouldn't let this affect me. Tyler didn't say he loves me, so it's probably just a dream. He shouldn't have to suffer jut because I thought of something he never did. You know what, I'm disposing the memory. I'm not going to think about it anymore. I'm just going to focus on our friendship, and pretend this day never really happened.


"What are you going to get Tyler for Christmas?" Kate asked. We were in homeroom, and Mrs. Smith hasn't arrived yet.

"Christmas is still a month away." I shuffled through my bag, looking for the homework that we were supposed to pass today.

"No, it isn't. Its 3 weeks away. You need to buy something already or else all the good stuff will be gone." I look up finally finding my homework, and putting it in my desk. Isn't really almost Christmas? It feels like it was just June yesterday.

"I don't have an idea what to get him. I mean, he isn't really that picky, and he isn't a fan of anyone, so what could I give him? A mug?" I suggested.

"You're going to give your boyfriend a mug?! No way! This is your first Christmas together, so you have to make it special. I mean, how long have you been dating?" she asked.

I looked up trying to remember when our anniversary was. "We first started dating on June 26, and it's December already, so I guess it's our 6th month anniversary on December 26."

"Has it really been half a year already? Congratulations to you! You're Tyler's longest girlfriend ever. Usually it takes him a month before he breaks up with a girl. Who knew there would be a day wherein Tyler would be in a relationship."

I can't believe it, six more months, and the deal is off, but most importantly what am I going to get him for Christmas?

"What the hell am I going to give him for Christmas??!" I started to panic.

"Don't worry; we're going to the mall later so you can buy some presents." She reassured.


"There's nothing here but mugs!" I whined. I told Tyler that Kate and I were going shopping. He let me borrow his car while he took a ride with Alex, but to be honest, we went gift shopping but I found nothing for Tyler. I took a written test about him, but I can't even think of anything that I could give to him. This is just so hard.

Kate already bought gifts a week ago, so she really did go shopping while I was looking for a gift. I already thought of what to give the others, but I can't even think of a single gift I can give to my fake boyfriend.

"Maybe, that's because you're in the mug section." Kate said. I looked up to see a sign wherein it said 'MUGS FOR SALE''

"Oh, what am I going to give him?" I put my hands up, but stopped midway when I almost knocked off a mug, but caught it right on time.

"Remember, it's nice to see, it's nice to hold, but once you break it, consider it sold." She said while I gave her a desperate look.

"Let's just keep looking around. I'm pretty sure you'll find something." She started dragging me to other sections while I just groaned thinking of a perfect gift for Tyler.

This is going to be a LONG day....


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