Chapter 31

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 💑 Tyler's P.O.V. 💑

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Alison and I stopped kissing to look at Kate with a frustrated look on her face.

"You two have been kissing non-stop. It's like you're on the honeymoon phase. I mean, you've been together for about ten months, but you never kiss this much before." Kate said and the other guys agreed.

She was right. Ever since we became a couple for real, we've been going through the stages that most couple encounters, and right now, we're on the honeymoon stage. I can't explain to you how happy I've been this past two months. I haven't been sleeping because all I think of is Alison, I know it sounds cliche but it's like my whole world revolves around her. If this is how it feels to be in a real relationship, I would've done it years ago or realized my feelings for her earlier.

To be honest, I've liked Alison ever since I saw her perform in 'Once In A Lifetime' with Dylan. I remember just visiting there because our grandmother just died and we had to go to the funeral. I decided to stay there a bit longer because I haven't hang-out with Dylan in a long time and he used to be my best friend when we were little kids. He then forced me to watch their play because he was starring in it, along with another girl who was Alison. At first, I refused because I don't do plays and it's pretty boring, but he convinced me by saying that a lot of girls would be watching it since its genre was romance.

When Alison first performed, I was captivated by her beauty, and I was sure of myself that after the play, I would totally hit on her, but it didn't turn out so well when I saw Dylan talking to her and Hailey, and after Dylan walked away, Alison seemed like she was ready to kill the guy. I even remember the conversation we had after that.


"What did you do with that girl? She seemed pretty pissed."

"Who? Alison?" So her name is Alison. Interesting... "Well, we kind of hate each other."

"You never told me you had an enemy."

"Not really. I kind of use her for my entertainment, she always has a funny face when she's pissed."

"Do you like her?" Please say no.

"No way! She's not my type, and I'm pretty sure it's her life long dream to murder me."

"Really? Don't you believe in the saying 'The more you hate, the more you love'?"

"No, besides I like someone else."

"And who is that?"

"Let's just say it's someone close to her."

*End of Flashback*

"We're almost graduating and we just realized that there is only a tiny chance we'll get into the same college, so we're making the most out of it." Alison lied easily. This is another thing I love about Alison is she can lie easily, I think it comes to her acting skills as well. I'm not saying lying is good; it's just that when we really need an excuse, she has one. I don't even know if she thinks about it or it just comes out of her mouth.

"There still two months. I think you have plenty of time to kiss your boyfriend." She grabbed Alison's hand. "Come on; we don't want to be late for class."

"I'll walk you two there." I proposed.

"No way, you two are just going to flirt with each other again. I will kill one of you if I saw another scene of PDA again." Kate stormed off with Alison right behind her.

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