Chapter 8

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♥ Alison's P.O.V.

"We're not going to the party." Tyler and I have been arguing for the past five minutes because he wants me to go to a party that will be happening a day before school starts. I don't want to have a hangover on my first day, but he says it's tradition for the seniors to throw a party before school starts.

"But this could be a way for me to introduce you." he tried reasoning with me.

"Most of the people won't be even sober when you introduce me to them, so why bother?" I wrapped my around his neck. "Just tell them we're on a date and they'll finally believe know that you're serious about me."

He gasped. "You're using your hotness to persuade me not to come to the party!" he accused me. I might as well admit it.

"Yeah, is it working?" I kept my gaze locked into him, and I could sense that he's cracking. Just a little bit more... He suddenly looked away, clearly avoiding eye contact. I sighed. I removed my hands away from his neck and started looking for my phone. "Let's consult Hailey." I then dialled her number but it just went to voicemail. I tried again but no one's answering.

That's weird. Hailey always has her phone with her....

I tried again for like the 7th time and finally she answered.

"Ali, are you alright? You keep calling me." So she knows that I've been calling her, but why wasn't she answering. I suddenly heard someone say 'Is everything alright?'

"Are you on a date?" This got Tyler's attention and he asked me to put her on speakers, which I did.

"Yup" she said popping the 'p'.

"With whom?" I asked, out of curiosity. I'm sure it wasn't Dylan because I know what Dylan's voice sounds like. I guess three years of prank calling me finally paid off.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I thought she was still talking to us. I was about to reply when I heard the mystery guy mumbled an 'okay'.

"Is that why all girls go to the bathroom?" Tyler asked, but I just shrugged him off.

"Is that Tyler with you?" Hailey said, probably reaching the bathroom already.

"Answer my question first."

"It was just someone I met at the cafe. He bought me a drink and I talked to him for a little while."

"Do I know this guy?"

"No, he's from another school. He's the guy who thought me how to skate. Now, why did you call me again?" She tried changing the subject. Hailey did follow my advice and asked the whole drama club if they wanted to go ice-skating. It was all going well, but Dylan cancelled because he had to do someting else, which made Hailey sad. She wanted to go home, but it was rude if she left because she was the one who invited them to go ice-skating, so she stayed. She did mention meeting a guy who did teach her, but nothing specific. All she did was rant about how my perfect plan was ruined. I wanted to ask more about what happened to her crush on Dylan, but Tyler was next to me, and I didn't want to introduce him to Dylan. I'll just Skype with her later.

"Oh yeah. Tyler wants to introduce me to a party, but I want it to happen on the first day of school. So, what do you think? Party or school?"

"School." She quickly answered and I gave Tyler a smile and mouthed the words 'I told you so' but he just rolled his eyes.

"You're just saying that because you're best friends." Tyler intervened.

"It's more professional and Alison hates going to parties because one time-" Hailey started to say.

"Thanks, Hailey! Good Luck on your date." Then I hung-up on her.

"What was that about?" He asked, but I just shrugged and luckily he dropped the topic.


"Wake up! We don't want to be late on our first day in school." I shook him, vigorously, but he just growled in response. So, I did what my mom would do in this situation; nagged. "You should be happy we didn't go to the party. Just imagine having a hangover and a migraine on the first day of school. We would all be tired and it'll leave a bad first impression on the teachers. You should be thankful to me that I fought with you that day. I feel like you don't appreciate me that much. I mean, I do everything for you, I even waked up 6 am in the morning just so we could be early on our first day, and you could introduce me to your friends, but what do you do? You just slack off like what you do every day. Do you think I like waking up early in the morning? NOOOOOOOOOOO. I even picked out this lovely dress and curled my hair. It took me almost an hour to finish but it didn't bother me because I know-"

"Shut up! I'm awake!" He gave me a death glare, but I didn't care.

"I'll be waiting down stairs." I was skipping. I don't really know why I was in a good mood. I thought I'd be at least nervous since it's my first day but I feel perfectly fine and maybe, even a little excited. I guess I'm not that nervous because I made a friend already, and I feel like this is going to be a great year.

"I'm done." I was startled be Tyler's sudden appearance. It took him about less than 15 minutes to finish.

"That was fast. Aren't you going to eat breakfast?"

"We'll just drive-thru McDonalds." He grabbed my hand and started dragging me to his car.

The drive was about half an hour but that was because we stopped at McDonalds to buy some burger for him. We finally reached the school's parking lot, and it looked like a typical high school. I mean, it was a bit bigger than my last one, but all in all, it's pretty much the same.

It took us a while to find a parking spot, not because there were already a lot of cars, but because he wanted to find a spot wherein there was a shade. I told him to pick any spot, but he didn't listen and just kept driving around and around. I finally convinced him to park next to the tree since it was the only one that had a shade, but he still felt a little bit disappointed because he says that the tree is not big enough to shade the whole car. I just wanted to tackle him, but since we were in school, I have to tolerate him since I don't want anyone else suspecting about our relationship.

"Are you ready?" He held my hand.

"It's now or never."

We head straight to the schools office so we could get our class schedules. I noticed people staring, but it's not like its the first time I attract attention, so I just shrugged it off, and it's not really a surprise because Tyler did warn me about this since he never had a steady girlfriend before. I mean, our photo in Facebook has about 200 like already, and people were really curious on meeting me. When we finally reached the office there was an old lady giving out the schedules so we approached her.

"Name?" she asked.

"Alison Grace Baskett" I said. She smiled and shuffled through the files and finally handed me my schedule. I noticed that Tyler and I had 2 classes together; it was a bit sad since we only had two, but I guess I can manage.

"Ready to meet my friends?" he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Sure." I wasn't really nervous because even if his friends hate me, they'll have no choice but to be around me for another year.

"Okay, to the lockers!" he said in a dramatic tone.

I laughed. "You really are childish."

 "That's what you love about me." He put his arms around my waist.

I smiled. It wasn't so bad being with Tyler. He could be annoying and immature, but I think he's starting to grow on me.

"Yeah, you're right." I pinched his cheek which he didn't appreciate.

This could be fun. =)


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