Chapter 17

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The next morning, I wake up to Autum tapping my shoulder and Loxy walking out the bathroom.

"What?" I whisper since Matt was still asleep. "Get up. We are gonna play hide and seek with the boys." Autum says.

"Fine." I mumble and quietly get up. I walk to my suitcase and grab an outfit. I walk into the bathroom and change flat ironing my hair.

Wait, I'm wearing batman everything. Who cares. I exit the bathroom and walk outside with the girls. Guess what Autum is wearing? Superman outfit almost exactly like mine.

"Wow." Loxy says. "Let's go before they wake up." I say closing the door. We walk to the elevator and stop outside of it.

"Okay, where did you and the guys go yesterday?" Autum asks. "Starbucks then laser tag." I reply. Loxy takes out a sticky note and sticks it next to the elevator.

I read what it says. Good morning boys. Today, we shall play a little game. You have to find us by following the clues. Can you find us before the day is over? Have fun.

First clue: White girl hang out

Carter should know this.-Loxy😜

"White girl hangout? Seriously?" I say. "Yes now come on." Autum says pulling me into the elevator.

We ride down and walk to Starbucks. "Hello, I'm Cassidy, I'll be helping you by giving the second clue to the boys." A lady says to us handing us our favorite drinks.

"Thanks Cassidy." Loxy says handing her the note. I ask to read it because I'm really just following them around.

Looks like you figured out the first clue. Good job. Here is your second clue: The place where your ass's got kicked by a girl with her secret hiding spot. -Autum❤️
I hand it back to Cassidy and we leave. "So, you are going to place this note because it was your hiding spot." Autum says.

"Otay." I says taking the sticky note. I quickly read it while we walked there.

Good job so far guys, keep it up!
Third clue: A girls home. If Cam knows us, he knows this place -Nadia😘

"Nice." I say. As we walk in. "Make it quick girls." The guy running the thing says. "We will Nate. Come on." Loxy says.

We run in and I find my hiding spot and stick the note in the corner I sat in. "Okay, let's go!" I say jumping down.

"Thanks Nate! Bye Nate!" Loxy shouts to the boy as we run out. "To the mall!" Autum says.

We arrive at the mall entrance and Loxy sticks the note while I read it.

Half way there guys. Keep going.
Fourth Clue: My fav store. Jacob you should know this.-Loxy😜

"Forever 21." I say as we walk in. "Yep." Loxy says. We walk to forever 21 and we stick the note on the counter. I quickly read it.

Come on guys. Give up yet?
Fifth Clue: What's my fav store? Cameron you better know this. Or Hayes.-Autum❤️

We walk to Autum's fav store Aeropostale. I take the sticky note and put it on the counter.

Sup guys. Wanna give up?
Sixth Clue: My favorite fast food place.-Nadia😘

We walk to Taco Bell and walk in. "Hey girls." The lady says. "Here is the note." Loxy says.

Anywhere close to giving up?
Seventh Clue: Wanna Ride? -Loxy😜

Wanna ride? I look at them confused and they explain that they went horse riding before I came.

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