Chapter 16

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"Nadia! Get up!" A voice says in my ear. "What?" I say opening one eye. "While you were gone, Autum spent on day with the guys being the only girl, like I was before you two came. Now it your turn." Loxy says.

"And I'm being woken up and 5 in the fucking morning why?!?" I shout getting pissed. "Deal with it, the guys are up and waiting outside for you, so get dressed me and Autum are going out for the day." She says and leaves.

I groan and get up. I walk to my suitcase and grab an outfit. I walk to the bathroom and shower, change, and flat iron my hair.

I exit the bathroom and see Hayes. "Bout damn time, you took forever." He says. "I was in there for twenty minutes." I reply.

We leave my room and walk downstairs. "What do you wanna do?" Nash asks. "I could honestly care less, I just wanna go back to sleep, because I had to stay up all the time at Ricky's scared to get pranked." I say and yawn.

"So Starbucks?" Matt says. Everyone agrees and I intertwine Matt and I's fingers.

We walk to Starbucks as I order my usual cotton candy frap. We leave and walk around.

"Laser tag." Taylor says. "Still don't care." I mumble. "So laser tag it is." Carter says.

We walk to a place where we could play laser tag. We pay for our tickets and walk into the little area place thing, idk I'm still tired.

The game starts and I walk around quietly and climd onto of a barrel and get onto of one structure thing that hides me perfectly.

"Dammit!" Aaron yells as Nash laughs. Wow they are close to me. I just wait quietly and eventually it's just me, Nash, Hayes, and Cam.

"Nadia, I know your here somewhere." Cam's voice says. I remain quiet and hold the plastic gun close to me.

"Gotcha Cam!" Nash yells. "Gotcha Nash!" Hayes yells. "Gotcha Hayes!" I tell as I shoot him.

They all look up at me as I smirk. "How did you-" Hayes starts. "Not important just know, I kicked your ass by doing nothing." I says.

I jump down and we walk back, me smirking the guy still wondering how I got up to that spot.

"Please tell me you didn't let her win." Matt says and I punch his arm. "No I won fair and square." I say. "How?!?" Almost everyone shouts.

"I hid until there was just one person left then came out." I said in a duh tone.

"She won, but if she hadn't have hid, we would have got her." Cam says. I roll my eyes and take the stupid vest thing off and we leave.

"What now?" Hayes asks. "Idk." I reply. "How about Taco Bell?" Nash says. "I have eaten Taco Bell non fucking stop for a damn week, go get your damn Taco Bell and meet me at the hotel." I say.

"How could you eat Taco Bell for a straight week?" Shawn asks. "When the week was almost over I threw up for about five hours." I reply. "Eww." Taylor says like a girl.

"Anyway, meet me at the hotel." I say an walk away from them. I walk into the hotel and ask Bart for the guys room key.

I go upstairs and into their room and sit on the sofa and play on my phone. "We are back!" Nash says. "I give a shit why?" I say not looking up from my phone.

"Because I'm with him." Math says and kisses my forehead. "Oh right." I say and smile.

"Anyway, we got Taco Bell!" JJ says. "Good for you." I say and roll my eyes looking back at my phone.

"We got you something." Gilinsky says. "Do you want me to throw up?" I say not looking away from my phone because I was in an emoji war with Autum.

"No, maybe, yes." Hayes and Nash says. "I feel the love." I say sarcastically.

I refuse to eat the taco and finally Cam eats it. We continue on with the day. Terrific.

*When Autum And Loxy Finally Come Back*

I sit in a corner holding my knees to my chest. "I think we broke her." Taylor says.

"I can't take it..." I keep saying. I've lost my mind spending one day with just them!

"We are ba- what did you do?!?" Autum and Loxy shout. "No clue she just went to the corner and kept mumbling something. I'm pretty sure we broke her." Shawn says.

"Well we are gonna take her back to our room and try to fix her." Loxy says. They help me up and out of their room and to our room.

"Finally." I say and sigh. "I honestly don't know how you survived Loxy." I add. "That was all an act? Awesome." Autum says.

"Mmhmm." I say. "Like they could break me. It would have to be more boys than that." I add.

"Autum almost broke, I came in enough time to save her from losing her mind." Loxy says.

There is a knock at the door before Autum can says anything. "Answer it!" I command her as I walk to sit on the couch.

"I liked the broken you better." Autum says walking to the door. She opens it and walks to come sit next to me.

"Told you she pretended! Ten of us couldn't break her!" Hayes said. "I knew you would figure me out!" I say getting up to ruffle his hair.

"Twin thing." He says. "You believe that shit?" I say as I sit back down. "Yes." Almost everyone says. "Ugh." I say.

"The Dolan twins have it." Cam says. "Or they know each other really well." I say.

"No, they have twin telepathy." Cameron says. "Hayes, what's my favorite color?" I say. "Purple." He says. "Wrong, aqua." I say.

We starts asking all the questions from his stupid twin telepathy video, and we don't have it.

"Told you that shit isn't real." I say. "Whatever." Hayes says. I roll my eyes and start another emoji war with Autum.

"It's on bitch." She says and we start the war. "What's on?" Shawn asks. "Emoji war." Loxy says watching us.

*Twenty minutes later*

"Nadia wins!" Loxy declares. "Again." I but in. "Whatever." Autum says. "Again?" Cam says.

"When my brothers tried to get me to throw up, we were doing a war then and I won." I reply.

"Tried to get you to throw up, gross." Autum says. "Yeah, remember how I told you I are Taco Bell for a week straight? That's why, I told them the while thing about how I threw up for five hours." I reply.

"Nasty." Loxy says remember when I told her. "It was." I reply. The rest of the afternoon is spent with the guys trying to get me to eat a taco and when they do, Loxy holds back my hair as I throw up.

"Assholes." I mumble when I finish. "They are. Also they are sleeping in our room tonight because they wanted to have a sleep over in our room." Autum says.

"They are gone for now, but when the come back, the sleepover starts." Loxy says.

While the guys are gone, we change into pjs and I climb into my bed and play on my phone.

When the guys come back, Jacob lays with Loxy, Hayes lays with Autum, and Matt lays with me.

Nash starts objecting and I throw a pillow I found on the floor at him. "No one care, shut up." I say. He gives up and someone turns the lights off.

I snuggle into Matt's chest as his arms wrap around me protectively. Damn I really fell for this kid. Is that last thought I had before falling asleep.

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