Chapter 9

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*One Week Later*

Finally! I can leave this place! Trust me, being in a hospital for a freaking week sucks ass.

The boys have come almost every time they have free time. Right now I'm waiting on Autum to bring me an outfit so I can change and leave.

Autum walks through the door and hands me an outfit. "Bout damn time." I say as I take it from her and walk to the bathroom.

I change and walk out of the bathroom. "Finally some real clothes." I say.

"It wasn't that bad." Autum says. "I will slap you." I say. "Don't hurt me!" she says and raises her hands in surrender.

"Let's go before I do punch a nurse." I mumble. We walk out and outside where we see Nash waiting in a van.

"When did they get a van?" I question. "Seriously I have no clue." Autum says. We get in and i turn on the radio.

If your wondering, Matt has stopped by to talk to me. He explained the while situation with Madison and how he likes me.

I forgave him and well, we may be dating but no one knows. I normally tell Autum everything, but if my brothers know I'm hiding something, they always get it out of Autum.

She just can't lie. Anyway, me and Matt decided to hide the fact that we are dating for a while.

I mean, I just got out the hospital. We may wait like a week or two before telling anyone.

We get out the car when we arrive at the hotel and I walk inside linking my arm with Autum's.

"She's back!" Taylor shouts and I'm immediately crushed in a hug. "Can't breathe." I say. They don't hear me and I somehow manage to slip out of the hug.

I take a picture and post it on twitter with it captioned Magcon hugs for days.

Autum walks over and we just stand there and watched waiting to see how long it would take them to notice.

Fifteen minutes later they break the hug and can't find me. "Dumb shits." I say.

"How did you-" Shanw starts. "I have my damn ways." I say. "By the way check twitter." Autum says as we walk off.

"Where's Loxy?" I ask when we reach the elevator. "On a date with Jacob." She says. "No way." I say as we board the elevator.

"Yep." Autum says. We talk about random things while riding the elevator and when we reach our floor we run to our room because I need to film a video.

I set up my camera and turn it on. "Hey guys. I'm Back!" I say. "If you have seen my brothers posts on twitter, you all should know I was kidnapped. The kidnapped was that bitch Madison and her stupid bitch friend Rachel." I continue.

"And after they found me I was in the hospital for a week. Trust me not freaking fun. I almost punched a nurse." I say as Autum yells in the background. "I had to stop her!" She says.

"Shut up." I say back to her. "Anyway guys that's all I have to say so, Bye!" I say and end the video.

I upload it right away because I don't feel like editing it. "They turned your post into a hashtag." Autum says looking at her phone. "And it's trending." She adds.

"Sweet." I say and sit on my bed. "Wanna go to Taco Bell?" I ask. "Sure, that's where Loxy and Jacob went before they go to the movies." Autum says.

"Let's go!" I say and run for the door grabbing my phone. We run out and down the stairs to the lobby where they boys are still standing there scrolling through twitter.

"We are going to Taco Bell." I say. "Isn't that where Jacob and Loxy went?" Carter asks. "Yes, now Autum Leggo!" I say.

We leave the hotel and walk to Taco Bell. We walk in and I spot them in a booth. "Make sure they don't see us." I tell Autum.

We order and sit down with our food. "They look so cute together!" Autum says. "I must post a picture." I say. "When we leave." Autum says.

"But." I say. "When we leave." Autum says again. "Ugh fine. I'm going to the bathroom." I say and get up.

I walk into the bathroom and stand in front one of the mirrors. Silly Autum. I pull up twitter and post a picture of the with it captioned they are just too cute.

I walk out of the bathroom and back to our table. "Good thing we are finished eating. Let's go." Autum says putting her phone away.

We throw away our trash and walk out of Taco Bell. We talk about random things while walking because we are bored.

We walk into the hotel and the boys are no longer in the lobby. "Think they figured it out?" Autum asked. "Highly doubt it." I say.

We walk up the stairs because we saw the elevator doors close. We walk to the guys room and I knock on the door. Cameron answers and we just walk past him.

"Hello to you too." He says. "Shut it. " I say. We sit on the floor with our backs against a wall. "Hey." Matt says. "Hey." We say back.

"Guess what?!?" Nash says. "What?" I say. "We are going home for a few days." He says.

"Yay! I get to see Sky!" I say. "Really?" Hayes says. "Yes." I say. "What about mom and Chad?" Nash says. "Well them to, but I'm most excited to see Sky." I reply.

"Obviously." Nash says. "Whatever, when are we leaving?" I say. "Tomorrow." Cam says.

"Well I'm going to go make sure my bags are still packed." I said along with Autum.

We leave their room and walk to ours. We pass Jacob in the hallway and I know Loxy is back.

I sprint to the room because I have questions to ask certain people. I open the door and walk towards Loxy. "Hey Loxy." I say.

"Hey, and I know what your going to ask. Yes me and Jacob are dating." She say. "Yas! I knew it would happen eventually!" I say.

"What did I miss?" Autum says. "Jox is real!" I say. "I must tweet it!" I add. I pull up twitter and tweet #JoxIsReal.

"Thanks a lot now my phone is blowing up." Loxy says. "Your welcome." I say smirking.

"Did they tell you we are leaving tomorrow?" Autum says. "Yes they did." Loxy says.

"Well all my stuff is still in my bag so, I'm going to sleep. Night." I say and get in bed not bothering to change.

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