Chapter 11

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The next morning I wake up my alarm. I turn it off and take a quick shower and get dressed.

"Cute outfit." Autum says. "Thanks, might wanna hurry tho, we gonna be late and Hayes is ready to leave." I say.

We walk downstairs and I grab an apple. "Do I really have to go to hell?" I ask Chad as he walks in. "Yes, and what happened to you?" He questions.

"Cheerleaders. The fucking smartass football team decided to get the cheerleaders to beat the crap out of me." I explain.

"Wow, well have fun at school." He says. "No." I say as we walk to the door. We start walking down the street and I say,"I wonder what Mr. Dickson is gonna say when he sees me."

"He might faint." Autum says. "He might." I say. We walk into school an I walk to my old locker.

I put my backpack in there and walk to the office. "I'm back!" I say. "Oh no." The lady behind the desk says.

She gives me my old schedule and I walk to first period. "I'm back!" I say opening the door.

"Oh god." The teacher says. "Just go sit." He says. I walk to my seat and sit down. I look around the class and see Hayes.

Dammit. Why do we have first period together? I turn away from him and put my earphones in.

"Nadia, can you answer this?" The teacher says. "Yes, the answer is, I dot give A shit." I say smiling.

"That's what I figured you would say." He says and turns to the board. "Nadia!" Hayes whisper/yells at me. Oh, he is in this class too.

After class I bolt out and to the bleachers. I walk behind them and sit in my spot. I pull out my phone and text Matt.

To Bae❤️😘: Hey, wyd?

From Bae❤️😘: Hey, I'm hanging out with the guys, shouldn't you be in class?

To Bae❤️😘: maybe, maybe not.

From Bae❤️😘: go to class.

To Bae❤️😘: fine.

I turn my phone off and get up. I walk away from school and to my house. I climb the tree in front of my room and climb through my window.

I lay on my bed and scroll through twitter. An hour later I get hungry and decide to leave my room to go get food.

As I walk past my parents room I hear them talking. I decide to eavesdrop.

"Sending her to go with Nash and Hayes was the best idea we have ever had." Elizabeth says. "I know, they are changing her back the her old self. In no time we will have the obedient Nadia back." Chad says.

So that's why. They don't love me at all. They just love the obedient me. Well, they won't have to deal with me anymore.

I walk back to my room and climb back through my window. I jump down and walk down the street.

If they only sent me to change, then they don't really love me. If they fucking loved me they would accept me for who I am.

I walk into town and to Starbucks. I order and sit in a booth. I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts.

I click on one and hold the phone to my ear. "Hello?" A voice on the other end of the line says. "Hey." I say.

"Hey Nadia." He says. "How's O2l?" I ask. "We actually broke up. No more O2l." He says. "I'm sorry to hear." I say.

"Yeah, it's just me in my apartment, how's the tour?" He asks. "Could be better." I say looking out the window.

"What happened?" He questions. "Well, my parents don't love me for me, they only sent me with Nash and Hayes to change back to the obedient me so here I am sitting in Starbucks thinking about what I should do." I explain.

"That's sad. If you want, you can come up and spend a week or so at my place, Kian and Jc haven't moved in yet but they will so if you get here early enough you can pick your room." He says.

"If you don't mind, I would appreciate it." I say. "Sure, just come when ever, the guys move in next month." He says.

"Kay, well I got to go, bye Ricky." I say. "Bye Nadia." He says. I hang up and finish my drink.

I leave and walk back home. I walk through the front door and slam it shut. "Someone's mad." Will says.

"I'm not in the damn mood Will." I say walking upstairs. I walk to my room and see Autum and Loxy.

"Hey." I say. "Hey." They say back. "Did you skip the rest of school?" Autum asks. "Yes I did." I reply.

"Where did you go?" Loxy asks. "Starbucks." I say. "Why?" Autum asks. "Because I wanted Starbucks." I say in a duh tone.

"No, because when ever you go to Starbucks you go to think about something." Autum says.

"Okay, that is not true." I say sitting in my bed. "Yes it is and you know it. What were you thinking about?" Autum says.

"Nothing. Okay? It was nothing." I say. "Tell me. I hate when you hide things from me." Autum says.

I pull out my phone and text Matt. She wants me to tell her a secret I'm keeping from her she can get this one.

To Bae❤️😘: Autum knows I'm hiding something from her. Should I tell her and Loxy or hide it with a lie?

From Bae❤️😘: just tell them.

To Bae❤️😘: Okay.

"Alright wanna know what I'm hiding?" I say. "Yes." Loxy and Autum say.

"I'm dating Matt. No one knows but you two." I say. "Omg!" Autum says quite loudly. "STFU!" I whisper/yell at her.

"Well when are you gonna tell the others?" Loxy says. "We plan to do it during a Magcon show." I explain.

"How?" Autum questions. I sigh and say,"Can we talk about this later? When they aren't downstairs?"

"Fine." Loxy says. I sit on my bed and pull up my computer. I pull up a certain site to where I could buy airplane tickets.

I book a flight for La tomorrow. All I need is at least a week or two to my self. I change and lay in bed.

"Night." I hear Autum and Loxy sat. "Night." I say back. I pretend to be asleep and when I hear everyone go to bed I sneak out of my room to print my pass port thing.

After I print it I hide it in my bag. I look at my passport to see what time my flight is. 4:00 am. Perfect.

I fall asleep after setting an alarm for me to get up.

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