Red Waters

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I felt the rest of the stale water drip down my long black hair grinning as I no longer felt the blood that used to soak it. I was now staying between to rival camps, the Jeffersons to my right and Withrew to my left. Their was always fighting...always. I could see the shadows of the freaks limping on the road looking for a helpless kid to devour, I picked up my machete I found in my neighbors house still sharp as a razor and waited for the fighting to start. My dark leather jackey dimly reflected the setting sun and its orange light flooded into the room. I rewrapped the handle seeing the small kids start to group up their weapons shining against the dark alleys. I stood up slowly walking to the door.

"The fun begins..." As I said it a Withrew kid walked in front of my door his old uniform coat a dull red. I opened the door grabbing his collar sinking my blade into his chest covering his mouth.

"Shhh...Easy..." The freaks sniffed the air smelling his blood and started to get excited, some licking their blood dried lips. I took off leaving the kid groaning in agony as the first few pushed their way in clawing open his stomach. I turned away swinging my machete at the nearest freak cutting his head off then ducking as another swung stabbing him in the back of his neck. The Jeffersons started there charge fighting for whatever reason, mostly food...sometimes me. I swung the blade in a wide arc catching one of their biggest kid in the stomach his eyes bulging at me. I side kicked his face away stabbing the next in like in his chest. Pulling my blade out side stepping as a spear made out of a drainage pile stuck into the oak porch.

"Missed me" I ran at him jumping swinging at his shoulder my machete sticking fast. He dropped his second spear falling onto his knees in pain. I pulled the blade out shoving him aside pulling out a bottle from my bag. It was a liquor bottle filled with gasoline with a cloth sticking out of the mouth. I lit it throwing at the tight group nearing their way toward me. Grinning I rolled away as the fire caught onto their flesh followed by screams of pain. The freaks took their chance surrounding them getting themselves burned as well.

"Thats for killing them...bastards" I whispered walking off as the freaks finished the bodies.

"Next time its your whole camp..."

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