Blood Rain

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Oscar let out a cough feeling the pain spasm swell over his back. He looked up seeing his friends run out behind the brute which threw him. He cursed to himself trusting them. What the fuck was I thinking....

He went to get up but the brute grabbed his arm slamming him back down causing him to gasp. He couldn't take much more. He held onto the wall slowly getting up. He saw the black figure come at him again but his vision was blurred he saw black spots dancing.

He braced himself as another wall of pain exploded from his jaw. It was broken. He wanted to scream but his vocal cords were raw and burned. He looked up a tear going down his eye. The brute slammed its fist down as Oscar made a half hearted move to the side making its fist slam into the concrete.

The brute screamed and bellowed in pain. Oscar then kicked its knee making it come down to his height. He could smell the rotting flesh under the black skin, now hard as a rock. The brute's eyes were red with rage and blood had stained its chest from the four previous kids in Oscars group.

Oscar stood doing what his dad had taught him. He placed his hand on the brutes jaw and the other above its ear then twisting fast hearing a crack. The brute went still falling. He grinned collapsing himself. Blacking out.

He woke up his head aching and his arm sore. He saw the sun rising into the sky. He blocked the sun from his face with his hand. He managed to sit up but felt drained. "He fucking lied to me..."

Just as Oscar said that he saw grunts shuffle by. About fifty of them the most diseased ones in the back. They had jaws, eyes, ears, or arms torn off.

Oscar got up as fast as he could crawling into a mail ben tipped over. He shut the lid and got still hearing them come closer.

Oh shit...

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