Bad Luck

19 3 0

"Aww shit!"

Cole ran out of options, he was exhausted, hungry, and had a group of the infected chasing him. This group seemed less diseased then the others he met. Most of them wore gym shorts and shirtless or sports bras.

He looked around for a place to hide but only saw a shop that was boarded up pretty well. He ran over sneakers thudding on the pavement. His glasses long broken but he made out a figure sitting on the roof.

"Hey! Open up I'm not infected!" He managed to scream his throat raw and dry from the long days of running. But the kid wouldnt budge.

He looked over seeing another group coming from the left moving as fast as they can. He banged on the door harder then punched it sending pain up his arm.

He gritted his teeth looking around. There was a burned car across the streets and a hill up to the trees. He knew he wouldnt make the hill but maybe the car. Deciding fast he ran over to the car hopping in shutting the door.

The infected shuffled over across the street heaving themselves over the car trying to get in. Cole could hear their nails scratching against the metal and their mindless bodies ramming and slamming themselves against it.

He closed his eyes tight listening to the rythem. But this didnt last long. The infected grunted and snorted at each other, one throwing a rock breaking the window with a hole big enough to get his hand through.

Cole backed away from the hole and the door itself setting his back against the other side realizing their was a gap in the door. One saw this too sinking its nails in Cole's arm.

He screamed trying to pry his arm away but this only made it worse. He was bleeding...This excited the group as they pushed the door open pulling Cole out into the street.

Cole kicked and punched hitting whatever diseased skin he saw. He heard their weak bones snap followed by howls. The group bit into his shoulder making Cole gasp screaming more. He managed to see the figure stand up turning pulling something out of his ears.

Cole saw blood run down his shoulder and felt his collarbone crack making him go weak. Suddenly he saw a silvery shine from the shop and a second later a rod struck his chest.

"Fuckin'...ayee..." He croaked as he pulled the pin in the heavy object in his pocket. The last thing he saw was a bright light...

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