The Band Of Four

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It started with four of them, they were at a good camp that was as close to normal as you could get. But earlier a crazed kid with bright yellow eyes banged on the door screaming to be let in. Behind him three loners were following. The guards didn't let him through because they knew that yellow eyes meant that you were diseased. Yet the kid still insisted in being let in.

Then out of no where a fight broke out, water shot into the camp. And shots were fired. All because of a stupid infected kid wanting in. Now they were desperate for safety and not sure who made it.

It started out with twelve friends, all close, all cool with each other. Then the epidemic struck. The adults started to lose their sanity and feed off the youth. The twelve stuck together during the an extent. One by one they would lose trust with each other and try to look heroic in front of girls. Which always went for the strong, buff guys.

That only ended up with them dying one by one. Until four remained. Now that the kids population dropped. Girls had no choice but to mingle with the second best cliché. The guys they went for might have not been buff or strong. But they were still fighters.

These four kids were different though. They weren't looking for girls to hit up on. Only to stay friends and live. That was the main goal.

So when this yellow eyed kid killed off the camp, the group stayed together.

Their were four of them:

Troy, Marcus, David, and Jason. And they each had their own personal weapons. Troy mostly used tools, yet also hatchets, shovels, axes, and anything else he could find. Marcus had an cross bow, David had an gun, and Jason stuck to knives. Since he was trained by his father who was in the military. Jason had learned that everything is a weapon. And he typically ran the group.

As soon as they heard that the front line had fell, they bolted through the back. Some of the kids laughed and taunted them. But in the end, the four were the last ones and only ones to get out alive.

Now they were running and have been for awhile now.

"Come on guys, keep driving on." Jason said his breath cool and collected.

The three boys nodded. Troy was alongside Jason and was irritated that his tool bag kept slapping against his leg. He would've threw it back if he could carry all the valuables in his hands. Which was impossible.

Marcus and David were right behind them. Mumbling to each other for comfort. They were scared like everyone else.

"We can rest at that warehouse." Jason whispered quickly. He didn't want the strangers to jump them in a narrow street. He wondered how many other kids were out there.

Troy nudged Jason.

"Let's slow down since were close." Jason nodded and the boys slowed to a walk. Their shoes patting softly against the cement.

They walked all the way into the warehouse. All out of breath. They slumped against empty metal containers. David turned the safety on his gun while Marcus unloaded his cross bow. If it had stayed stressed the line would snap.

Soon they both had fallen asleep. Their hushed breaths echoed in the silence.

Troy was alert and wide awake. His wide eyes darted from corner to corner of the dark room. Suddenly he heard fast thuds on the pavement. Which only meant one thing. Strangers.

"Wake up wake up! They are on us!" He screamed and they boys were waken. They got to their senses and loaded their weapons.

Four strangers slammed their bodies against the door.

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