Run To The Hills

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"Faster!" The kids sprinted hard down the road, two rows of bigger kids, the fighters. Ran beside them.

"Brute to the left!" The captain bellowed his voice echoing off the houses.

The brutes, they called were faster, stronger, and more aggressive then most of the infected. Their green eyes glowed and their skin was black as a rock and just as hard. Their claws grew out 5 inches from their hands easy to make swift kills.

One soldier turned slamming his shield into the brutes face. It bounced off growling and snarling, red saliva dripping off its jaw.

The brute huffed slamming its shoulder back into the soldier then quickly backing up sweeping its claws at the soldiers feet making him fall. His scream was suddenly stopped and ended with a gurgle as the brute had his claws into the soldiers throat.

He then threw the soldier to the side letting the grunts tear him to pieces shoving whatever they grabbed into their filthy mouths.

"Fuck we lost Marco." The kids tensed closer as another brute slammed its way through keeping them separated. Then grabbing who ever was furthest away killing him.

One soldier side stepped the brute having it slam into concrete. The brute huffed its nostrils flared. The soldier slammed his shield into the brutes face then sent the edge down onto its neck. He picked up the shield right before a group of grunts swarmed him. They threw their fists down onto him and before long. They passed his body parts along.

The group ran into a alley way having the smaller kids in the back where a brick wall ended their path. They went to turn around but the horde and brutes were already there.

"Jackson! Get the spears!" The captain screamed his eyes red with hatred. Jackson obeyed passing out spears made of raw oak wood with soft iron tips, most of them were bent.

"Ready....FIRE" The soldiers heaved the spears at the horde hitting arms, legs, and chests. They mostly hit grunts but got two brutes. They horde kept shuffling as their mindless heads were controlled by their hunger for the kids.

"Jackson, Round two." The spears were passed out again and thrown. More hits, but now they were closer. You could smell the stench of their rotting flesh.

"Shit, swords drawn!" The captain screamed as a hiss of swords came.

"Fight and die fighting." He spit through the slit of his helmet.

"We shall show these bastards that we are smarter, braver, and stronger." He rose his sword as the other soldiers did the same.

The horde kept going. Some grunts uneasy and turned back but were to hungry to turn around. The brutes growled and banged their fist against the wall.

"Charge!!" The soldiers ran shields raised hitting the grunts head on. The captian brought his sword up and jumped bringing it down onto a helpless man, his skinny arms flying back.

The soldier near him screamed swinging his sword into a wide arc cutting three grunts sending them down. But the fight wasnt well given. A brute grabbed the head of a soldier taking helmet and all ripping his head off throwing it back as well as the body.

The officer quickly brought the brute down with a sword to the armpit making him spray blood everywhere falling back. Another soldier slipped on blood falling but before he got up was dragged into the horde. They clawed at his armor and bit wherever there was a gap.

"Push them back!" The captian yelled thrusting his shield into a brute bigger then the others. The brute fell back only a bit allowing the captian to slash his sword across the brutes neck. Two grunts lunged forward as the brute fell but were cut down by two swipes of the captain's two bladed sword.

The kids seemed to be winning but the front were breathing hard and out of breath. Their legs were stiff and sore. Their paced slowed as they hacked and slashed at the wall of grunts. Soon one by one the soldiers were pulled in to the horde and a spray of blood would go over everyone as the boy or girl was ripped apart. The captian ordered the second line to take the fronts place.

The second line was slightly smaller and were mostly skirmishers. They hit the grunts with blunt clubs and sharp sticks. The brutes easily slit their stomachs and the second line fell.

On the roofs the grunts have climbed up chasing the smell. They hurled themselves onto the kids making most of them fall with broken necks or legs. The captian cursed and told everyone to retreat. The horde pushed into the alley.

Now the mouth of the alley was packed shoulder to shoulder and back to chest with grunts. The soldiers kept fighting but this time only to keep the grunts back.

"We can't hold them forever sir!" A girl yelled as she stuck her sword into a mans stomach making yellow liquid pour out.

The captian was tired and angered. Why die like this? To be torn up and be somebodys dinner? Its total bullshit.

He nodded and lunged his way forward hacking his way in front of him. He kept hacking ignoring the grunts who clawed at him as he passed them. Finally he made it to the street but now was surrounded. What a dumbass...

He had no time to think as a grunt bit into his sword arm sending pain down through his body. Another sunk their claws into his shoulder pulling at his collar bone breaking it. He swung half heartedly and they surrounded him biting his arms and sides. He screamed but was cut off as one chewed on his ear and another onto his cheek. He was suddenly pushed down and his world went dark.

The soldiers watched their captian die from insanity, their eyes were wide and didn't realize that the grunts were attacking again. kids were brought down before they looked at the horde again. Their yells filled the air. Some of the rest dropped to their knees letting the grunts pull them down.

The others slit their throats spraying blood everywhere. The grunts feasted on the soldiers then turned to the little kids. They were frail and scared. Some were sucking on their thumbs in fear. Their was one girl with them a curved knife in her hand. She was about to scream but the horde rushed the little kids picking them up above their heads and as if a wave at a rock concert. They ripped them to pieces...

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