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"Who are you?"

I ask the the girl slunching over a pile of broken concrete her dark black hair stringy and patted with blood or vomit, I couldn't tell. I walked over machete in hand nudging her with the tip if the blade.

"Tell me or I will kill you..." I waited as she sat up instantly noticing who she was.

"Val...I thought you were dead"

She shrugged a trail of tears running down her face. She held a curved knife that was covered in blood. Beside her lay a body diseased. Its face yellow and covered with puss and slime.


She shook her head standing up, what used to be her uniform now was black with a rip down her shirt.

"Who?" I asked again this time more firm. My grip tightening around my machetes handle.

"Drew..." She whispered before she fainted. I caught her right before her head was going to smack against the floor. I layed her down soft seeing Withrew's kids easing their way over.

"Weapon down!" The one in the front said. He stood up straight letting his stocky build show. He raised a crowbar towards me his eyes locked on. They must've found out...

"Or?" I calmly responded standing up a wide grin hidden under my black hair.

His eyes showed hatred as he began to walk closer his leather boots thudding against the ground.

"I said weapon down....don't make me kill you both" His weapon raised he thrusted forward.

I swung my blade up catching his then kicked his knee sending him down. He responded quickly hitting my leg with the curve if the crowbar sending pain up through my thigh. I stumbled back gritting my teeth.

I stepped a few steps back letting him come closer growing confidence. He brought down his crowbar again as I let the edge of my blade slit his throat spraying blood onto the ground. I slammed him down.

He looked up at me eyes widen in shock. He tried to scream but his eyes rolled back. He was dead. I turned seeing the others, much smaller fall back.


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