A Boy's Dream

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Oscar listened to the rythem of the punches they rained down onto the mail ben. He had his knees to his chest and his hands over his legs. He held a narrow dagger in his hands. It was given to him by his father.

The grunts pounded their fists against the metal.

Food...Soo close you can taste it...I can feel its heart beat...

They didn't know what the blue box was. But they knew their was a child inside, afraid.

Oscar closed his eyes thinking of better times. When his dad took him to Hawaii. Oh the breeze was awesome... Or when he took him a Red Sox game. Oscar smiled to himself until he thought about his mother.

Her hair always tied back into a bun, a party dress was the only thing she wore. She made sure that her legs didn't have a single hair on them. Often waxing them till they bled.

He remembered all the men she brought to her house when his dad wasn't around. And the noises...aw man the noises coming from her room. That's why he bought his headphones. To hide the moans that came from his mother's lips.

He threw a punch at the roof of the mail ben. The grunts snorted in surprise and he heard more shuffling around it.

He began to think what happened to his mom when the disaster struck. He saw himself screaming at her when he had enough of all the men.

Your a fucking slut, I'm telling dad!

He saw his mom threw up her arms as her 'guest' got up half naked.

The man was muscular but Oscar knew it was all looks.

The man grunted as he backhanded his head sending him flying across the room.

Oh...maybe not...

His mom nodded in satisfaction and coaxed the man back. She placed her hand onto his thick chest leaned in, and whispered into his ear. Then smiled leading him to the bed.

The man went to close the door but Oscar caught it.

The man turned as Oscar slammed his foot into the man's knee forcing him down.

Oscar, get the hell back to your room.

But it was too late.

Oscar pinned the man punching his jaw. He felt a crack under his knuckle and blood sprayed out of the man's mouth.

One after another Oscar laid the punches down. Until the mans face was swollen and bloody. You could see where his jaw was broke. Oscar stood as his mother punched him and bent over the man.

Baby are you okay?

Her bra unclipped as she went to fix it.

Oscar got up and kicked his mother over.

Ugh you fucking slut...your legs are like fucking doors.

He opened the door kicked them both out locking the door. Ignoring her yells and screams.

He waited for his Dad to return. But he never did. He had the disease that day. And then the disaster happened.

Oscar opened his eyes forcing him back to reality.
He could see through throught the box, the ankles of two grunts.

Stupid bastards...they don't know shit.

He turned sideways grinning. He would live after all...and get revenge for what his friends did to him.

He crawled closer and smelled the stench of the blood, saliva, and vomit of the grunts.

He came closer and jabbed his knife into a ankle and then punched it smashing the soft, decomposed bone. The grunts face hit the pavement and Oscar sent the blade into its skull.

One after one until one remained. Oscar climbed out and kicked the grunt down, leaning over and stabbed its neck spraying blood onto the concrete.

"Fuckers." He spat pleased with himself. And walked toward where his friends ran seeing blood drops of his friend, Tyrone. Who was cut when they ran.

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