Fade Away

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Sorry for another note. I'm not sure if I covered this before but I am starting to piece together the story. I believe that this story should be about 20-30 parts long (chapters) at least in this book. So these next few chapters I am starting to bring together the characters. As you may have noticed I made ALOT of people. I did intended to do this. My mind processes things differently. I kinda wrote this on how I think basically I did this.

Mike/Oscar Alley Group
Rivals (in part 2-3)

Val and Kitty Troy


Believe me or not but these groups are actually connected.

So let's get on with the story and thank you for reading.


It never came to Mike to leave Oscar to die. He never meant to leave him, no never. When he watched the brute charge towards them and Oscar turned against it like a hero. Much more heroic then he would ever be. Mike knew, just knew. That Oscar would live. So he grabbed Val and Kitty and ran. He regretted it after. For sure, Oscar was his friend since elementary. They did every thing together.

As soon as Mike broke into the streets he picked the biggest, best looking house. He thought they probably would stand a better chance of staying there then anywhere else.

"We can't leave your friend behind." Kitty said unsure, her eyes darting to and away from Mike.

"Shut up, we had to or we would've died." Mike said with a taste of hate added on to his voice. He cleared his throat to kill off the silence.

"But, he's a kid like us. We should've fought together." Kitty returned to his answer. She didn't believe Mike had done the deed.

Mike slumped.
"I know..."

"We can go back. He might still be alive." Val added sitting next to him. She wasn't sure if she was helping or making it worse.

"No, he will be fine." Mike lifted his head. "Let's try to get past what I have done." He held himself responsible, the least he could've done.

"O..okay." Both girls said nodding. They began to search for food...

Three days later....

Mike opened the door to a boy wearing a dark blue under armour shirt and sweatpants, his hair was caked with blood and his arms were covered in scratches.

"Help...mee." The kid croaked. Unable to lift his head.

Mike picked up the kid and carried him to the couch. Kitty and Val walked in surprised.

"Where did he come from?" Kitty asked.

Mike said nothing and shut the door. He knew this one. His name was Troy. He had played football against his school before. Right before the disease struck. They had played in the champion against them.

Troy recognized Mike as well.

Mike was afraid that if Troy lived. Painless had too. Painless was hunting him after the disease. Something about getting even. Mike barely got away, he and Oscar grouped up with a military style group of kids. Yet they were too strict, Mike ended up taking a quarter of the group with him and found a mansion. Now they were all dead.

By one fucking group of animals.

Hours later Troy had woken up. His blue eyes looked calm as he looked around the room. He had not moved from the couch, but had started to talk to Mike.

"Remember me?" Mike asked nervous.

"Mhm. You're the one who played us a year ago?"
"Yep that was me. Whose still alive, or was alive?"
Troy paused as he picked out names of his friends.
"We had twelve, but some died, let's see I was with. Jason, David, Marcus, and myself. Painless and Levi stayed. For some stupid reason." He paused for breath.
"I think Painless is still at the school."

Kitty and Val's eyes widened.

"No no he was a mile from here. At a warehouse. But, he had died fighting for us." They slumped a bit.

Mike was swarmed with relief. Painless usually got what he wanted. He was called Painless for a reason. No matter how hard you hit , he would still fight you until he won.

Mike let out a quiet sigh.

He wouldn't have to worry about Painless anymore but still would have to live with leaving Oscar.

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