Bad Temper

17 3 0

"Ugh he's not dead yet?!?"

Why cant this kid die? We killed his mates but he can still fight us?

The captain threw his fist down on the desk. Making the guards flinch.

"Get out there and kill the bastard!"

The guards stumbled trying to get out but the Captain grabbed the last one.

"Mike, take this..."

Mike felt a weight in his pocket realizing what it was.

"Y..Y...Yes Sir"

Mike walked with the other guards strapping on bullet proof vests and taking double edged swords marching off toward the area where they thought their target was.

"Fucker thinks hes invincable....Heh We'll see..."

He sat down a wicked grin over his face...

Hey guys I know this is short but Im on my way to school, Later ^-^

Btw Ill try to finish this in 24 chapters cuz thats my favorite Number.

Catch me On Iruna online as AriSaka°

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