On The Road

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I turned back looking at my school my hand blocking out the sun seeing the black ash covering the brick walls from the fire a few nights ago. The glass broken and scattered along the ground crunching everytime you step onto it. And the bodies...so many bodies laying everywhere as if a giant hand threw them. Some are swollen and covered with rashes and lumps leaking puss with bright yellow eyes, they were the teachers. Or anyone above the age of 16, and the students with their bodies ripped open if a teacher saw it worth eating. Their were blood trails in lines where the bodies were dragged across. This was no place for life. This was a place for the fallen, the dead, and the forsaken.

I turned around and tightened the grip on my shovel and trudged off into the road ahead filled with burnt cars and debris searching for anything worth taking. But something caught my eye. "Oh...Shit" I flipped over the car sliding under neath it seeing a horde of shuffling, mindless freaks with a fat man in the front. He burped spewing vomit and blood over his chest. His nose was split into two with a large black gap, his head was filled with lumps leaking blood that dripped around him as we wobbled closer. I bit my lip gripping my shovel placing the blade towards the side they were coming from. "This will be fun.." I shoved the shovel far into the fat part of his leg feeling it sink in. He growled annoyed yanking the shovel out.
I rolled out hands up throwing a thinner figure over a car hearing the smash of his weak skull broken against the concrete. The fat one swung his big meaty fist at me barely missing my head smashing into the wind shield. I punched the glass taking shard running passed him the shard cutting clean through his throat. Then I doubled back kicking his knee making him fall snarling, his mouth foaming. "Time to die fat ass." I swung my shovel at his neck hearing a crunch snapping his spine making him stay still. I stood up onto a car swinging again the flat of the hlade smashing against a nose of a diseased women, her head rolling back followed by her body. More of them crowded the car enraged making grabs at my feet. I doubled back stabbing one of the nearest ones his jaw hanging loosely as he fell back trampled by the horde. I slowly backed up hitting any part of a diseased person I saw. A arm,leg,head,neck, and stomach. Soon they figured I wasn't worth it slowly turning around huffing leaving 23 dead between the cars.

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