Bullet Proof

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Following events happen after "What a Wonderful World"

Hey guys I realized I kind've forgot about Val and Kitty, but since I'm traveling to State which is 3 hours away. I have time to update.


"Val keep up, they aren't far behind!" Kitty screamed as she saw their shadows and heard the thuds of their shoes. She wished they hadn't stopped to watch Painless fight.

But curiosity took over and she watched him go down as well. Those bastards.

Val was gasping for air trying to keep up. She didn't do track like Kitty did. She was mostly at cheer practice or helping her dad work on cars.

Kitty turned and opened Val's bag. Val knew what she was grabbing. Suddenly Kitty took a bite of the pin and threw a white cylinder. Inside was blood, not from humans. But from the infected themselves.

"Come get some!" She threw the grenade at the horde and with it an explosion of red covered them. The less diseased took on the weaker ones. Within five minutes. Bodies were being slung beside. Dead.

Kitty took a hold of Val's shirt. Or what's left of it. And took off her light running shoes barely making a sound. Val's, which were boots made heavy thuds in the concrete. Each step Val took sounded painful.

"One more block and around, and we'll be there." Kitty nodded to a fence. Folded her legs under herself and jumped it. A smile grew over her face. A long time since she had time to jump over one. Since her boyfriend was now dead. Kitty helped Val get across and passed her a knife. It was engraved with a weird design. Val sheathed it nodding her head.

"What the hell..." Kitty pointed to a large mass hustling with something in the middle of the group. Val took a look.

"Kids!" She could barely see their thin bodies and the flashes of there weapons. Passed the group she could see one or two working on a garage.

"I thought we were the only ones." Kitty said looking behind her. Only thing left were three men. One had his ribs showing, the second had his jaw flapping against his chest. His tongue flickering over his swollen lips. The third had a large piece of his arm missing.

Val walked over swiftly beheading the first two. The last had fell and reached up for her leg. She took its head and plunged the blade in.

"Fucker." Kitty opened the front door.

"Let's join the fight Val." She combed her hair back. And urged Val to her.

"Too late....they got overwhelmed." Val had perfect vision. Unlike Kitty. She saw the last kid go down with 6 diseased teens. They ripped his body apart before he hit the ground.

"Wait...garage, its opening. We can go around where they came." Val pointed to a narrow alley between two houses where the streets met. Kitty shrugged and started a light jog over. A slumped diseased women sat chewing on her hands. Her flesh was black and soaked with blood. Val kneeled down stabbing her head then collected what oozed out for another bomb.

Kitty kept walking watching for stragglers. Her first group got killed when a few fight crazed kids ran out behind a large group and the stragglers slowed them down giving the main group a chance to catch up.

There were no stragglers here though. Only dead bodies. About fifty of them, kids and the sick. She shook her head and ran across the street. Unheard, and unseen. Val tried to copy her stealth steps but ended up louder. A few of the sick raised there heads but were occupied by tearing into the wounded.

Kitty ran out behind a house and crashed into a boy. His dark hair whipped back and he grunted as he hit the concrete. Another boy looked surprised. He helped the other boy up.

"Where ya come from?" He held broken glass between his fingers.

"In a warehouse three blocks down. We were with another. He died fighting though."

The boy who fell rubbed his head and brought up his hand. My names Mike, this is Oscar, my assistant."

The boy named Oscar shook Val's hand.

"What's your name Love?" He grinned. Val tilted her head. She came from a all girl school. She never knew that boys acted so weird. Accept Painless but he was mostly quiet. When she asked him why one day when she snuck into his dorm he shrugged.

Its easier shutting up and learning about how people act then to talk and look like and idiot.

Val thought Painless was weird for the longest time. But that night she realized that people were different. Now this boy here was supposed to be hitting on her.

She brought up her hand and popped him in the throat. When Mike looked up to see Oscar stumble down coughing. Val smiled innocently.

After a while Mike explained the fight and that he had another group with food holding it out. He said they should join and help. Kitty agreed. She didn't really care about the group. But she liked his build. It was a lot better then the skinny kids at her school. They always were trying to buff themselves up. Only embarrassing themselves more.

Mike grew quiet and Kitty wondered why, but then she saw it. There were three figures slumping against each other. Two girls and a boy. Beside them a girl had her throat slit. She gurgled in effort to breath. The boy beside her held her up and the girls eyes rolled back and she went limp. The boy shrugged and sighed as he saw another diseased man come to him.

The boy grunted swinging his bent pickaxe at the man. It stuck fast into his shoulder. The man fell back as the boy jerked the pickaxe back taking the mans collarbone and shoulder blade with it.

The boy collapsed and a girl bent over to help him up. The man shoved her down and bit into her arm. The last girl stuck her foot into the mans head and he fell dead.

The girl who was bit let out a moan of pain and managed to stand.

Mike ran over helping them, Kitty following behind them, Val and Oscar, who was now serious and helped Mike. In the end the girl who was bit died. When mike turned to see the boy, he saw that he had landed on his pickaxe.

It entered from behind his shoulder blade and exited through his chest.


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