What A Wonderful World

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I tossed the mixtape aside. I found it earlier with only a crack on the screen. The batteries were fine but only one song played.

I sighed looking over the front if the warehouse where we were hiding out
Val was scavenging for food down stairs with Kitty (called her that because how her ears poked out of her black hair)

I could feel the rattle of the wood as it was getting beaten by all sides. The freaks have found us...

"Guys get up here thats enough." I quickly said seeing the door start to give in.

In a few seconds they were behind me.

"Go to the stairway on the side."

I nodded as they walked over a nervous look on their faces. I grabbed my machete handle waiting on the stairs for them.

These fuckers...always and will be annoying.

"When I say...climb down." I paused for a bit thinking. "No questions or hesitations." They both nodded.

I heard the front doors of the warehouse fall making me flinch in surprise..

Fuck already? Hell, this should be fun.

I saw the first two clumsily walk up the stairs.

I grinned kicking them down sending them crashing into the group lower then them.


I turned to Val and Kitty as they went down the stairs. Then I turned back sinking my machete into a old women in a grey uniform. A banker maybe?

I shoved her body aside and over the roof stabbing the second in line in the chest. The man at the end of my blade looked down in shock yellowish blood poured out of his mouth. As the third one came, this one muscular and less diseased then the others lunged.

His hands aimed at my chest, I casually dodged to the side making him tumble over as well.

I grinned a bit seeing his flattened body.


I felt a sharp pain in my shouler causing me to shudder. A women took advantage of my mistake sinking her teeth into my shoulder chewing onto my collar bone her eyes filled with delight.

I shoved my machete into her skull painfully pushing her over. I gripped my shoulder swinging again slitting the next ones throat spraying blood over my face.

I felt the machete in my arm feel like a weight and I began to lose my breath as another came, this one more confident then the last ones. As I swung he grabbed my blade ignoring that it almost cut clean through his hand. I kicked him in the stomach trying to send him back but he caught my foot too.


I bit my lip managing to punch his jaw with my injured arm cracking it and dazing him. Then I forced my blade into the center of his chest making him go limp with a groan.

Fucking bitch. I cursed kicking him aside. What happened next I didn't expect. While I was dealing with the strong freak, 3 more piled up behind him. As soon as I pushed him aside. All three pinned me down.

I struggled beheading one while another bit into my arm. Spots filled my eyes as I screamed in pain shoving it aside. Two more came out from the opening one I managed to kick back down the other shoving its claws into my leg.

I gritted my teeth kicking at its face as another came helping the last two. I was starting to get overwhelmed. Now they streamed out kneeling down biting into me causing me to sit up. I punched one of them in the throat knocking it back but two more bit into my arm.

I saw blood rush down my arms making them excited. One of them must've bumped because I started hearing soft music aside from the moans of the mindless freaks biting me. I heard Luis voice...

They bit my side, arms, legs, and whatever else they could. I closed my eyes tight feeling the waves of pain over and over again....then...something else. It was relaxing, I saw me back in school, my white uniform and black pants hung loosely against me.

They bit and bit. But I didn't care. I only saw me, before this had happened. Then it all went dark.

Painless was dead.

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