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They left you...

Oscar trudged on after a weak scent he had been following. His mind was racked between eating people and his past. His skin was dotted with boils and rashes. His gun held tight in his hand.

He then saw a fire lit in a house. He grinned.

This would be easy.

He had to hurry though, his group wasnt far behind. They were much more diseased and slower. Half of them died before they even got away from the flood.

He limped to the window and could see blurry faces in the room, there were four sitting in a room. Whispering quietly.

He knocked on the door. Why did they do this? Why didn't they just knock down the door when they entered? That's what he does.

One answered. "Heh-low?" Its words too stuffy to get into his head.

He managed to mumble. "In."

The door clicked and he saw a familiar face...Mika? No! Mecha? No No!...Mike...Yes..this was him.

He growled and tackled Mike down knocking a table over. The other two with long hair hit him with sticks, he grinned. His skin had long hardened.

He batted them away causing them to slam into the wall. Groans escaped there lips. He then slammed his fist into Mikes face causing warm blood to enter Oscars mouth.

Oscar grinned and punched again and again, changing the shape of Mike's head. It reminded him of when he was in 1st grade playing with clay. He then started to change the shape hearing weird cracks and spraying blood. Then altogether taking the clay off the doll.

Oscar stood holding Mikes head in his hands. He tossed it bored. Another kid tackled him down, this one faster. Oscar shoved him off and stood, this one annoyed him.

" 'nnoying." He walked over and the kid slammed his foot into Oscars knee. Causing him to fall. Oscar forgot about his gun which laid on the floor. He desperately went to grab for it but the kid kicked it away.

The kid then slammed his foot into Oscars head, causing him to groan. His head spinned.

The kid picked up the gun walking over. Oscar knew he had lost, his mind was spinning and his thoughts clouded. "P'ease!"

Trey smiled and turned the safety off. "No." He pulled the trigger shooting Oscar in the head.

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