Part II

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Hey Guys I Know I Just Killed The Main Character. But The Story Must Go On, So Don't Forget About Val And Kitty. Okay Guys Enjoy !!

"Oscar hurry the fuck up!"

He pulled out his cooker battery out and hooked it up to the garage opener.

"Im trying Im trying!" He screamed looking back seeing his mates, Mike and Jacob fight off two sickos slamming them down with bricks. And another one named Trey in the front stabbing one with a spade.

"Awww shit!" A boy named Jonathon fell two sickos on his back biting into his shoulder. Two more jumped over him slamming Trey down swiping his throat open going down with him down a ditch.

"Oscar you son of a bitch hurry the hell up!" Screamed Mike swinging a axe at another sicko this one about eighteen. He shoved him aside knocking one over with the butt of it.

Oscar set the battery down heating the absorber up watching the meter grow. He needed a full battery to open the garage.

Jacob kicked one sicko down shoving a iron rod onto its neck. He then pulled it up to his chest as three pushed him back into a wall. Their hands gripped the rod biting onto his face and neck. He screamed for help but was cut off when one ripped his throat out.

"Almost!" Oscar yelled getting ready.

Mike hit one of the three with his axe then kicked one down slamming his fist into its weakened skull. He then swung at the last one beheading it.

"Done!" Oscar pushed the button making the garage open.

Mike rolled inside pulling Oscar with then pulling the garage down without it opening all the way. The machine controlling it burst into flames from overload.

He heaved over breathing hard as the sickos slammed themselves against the sheet of metal and wood of the garage making it rumble.

"" Mike said looking up.

"We lost three good kids today...only two left."

Oscar nodded not needing to answer back. They walked into the house looking for anything of use.

"Oscar come quick."

Their was a set of knives hidden under the sink. Oscar walked over grinning.

"Not so abandoned as we thought."

They each took one, Mike grabbing the butchers knife and Oscar grabbing a longer more straight blade.

"We have a chance after all..." Then Oscar shrugged walking over to the glass back door. He bit his lip grabbing a piece of a board with the nails still stuck in it.


He threw the board shattering the glass. Then knelt over putting the glass shards in his pocket. Mike, pleased with Oscar's work nodded and walked out. He could still hesr the shuffling and groaning of the sickos on the other side of the house.

"Let's go."

Oscar put on heavy gloves and a long sleeved hoodie, it was all black and torn a bit from recent fights. Mike wore a shirt and a leather jacket with a bandana over his mouth and nose. They marched away hearing the groaning faintly follow.

The sickos were sniffing them out.

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