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"And these ones?" The Guard asked as he threw the two girls down hard with a pickaxe to their head.

"What should we do with these ones?"

He picked one up by the collar her face swollen and bloody with her lip cut.

"Those two?....Kill them."

The guard picked up the pickaxe and swung down the blade entering the first ones skull. He kicked her aside doing the same to the second one, a blood trail surrounding their heads.

"What about him?" They nudged me with his boot.

The caption nodded his black greasy hair slicked back behind his forehead showing a deep scar across his right eye.

"Him too."

The guard walked swiftly to me pickaxe raised. My vison blurred and I barely made out his scream as a freak sunk his teeth into the guards neck. They both tumbled to the side but the freak was clearly winning. His yellow claws dug into the guards stomach ripping it open.

"Get it off!!" The guard screamed but the Captain shook his head walking off. Leaving me with the guard and the two dead girls I knew from school.

I barely managed to crawl away watching a loose group eat the bodies. My eyes watered and my hair soaked with the blood of the girls...It wasnt right.

I crawled into a abandoned house with a collapsed roof with some bottles of water on the counter...

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