Chapter 40: Jim

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Naomi walked into Jim's room to see him awake and well. Before he could say anything, she pulled him into a deep kiss.

Spock, who was standing in the room when Naomi entered, looked away and walked out. Jim and Naomi kissed for about thirty seconds before she moved away. Tears were pouring down her face.

"I missed you so much." She sobbed, leaning in to hug him. He pulled her close and kissed her cheek.

"I'm sorry. I love you. How are the babies?" Jim asked, realizing he forgot something.

"They're fine. Alaska and Bones are bringing them in a few minutes." Naomi said, still crying. Jim was sitting up as straight as he could, making it easier for Naomi to hug him.

"How are they?" He asked.

"I'll let them fill you in." Naomi said, smiling. As if in cue, Bones knocked on the door. Naomi walked into the hall and picked up the babies.

"We'll come in whenever you're ready. Just let us know." Alaska said, giving Naomi a hug. Naomi walked back into the room.

Jim's face lit up when he saw the babies. Naomi laid Elliot on his chest and sat next to Jim with Malcolm. "They're amazing." Jim muttered, looking down at Elliot and then over to Malcolm.

"I know, they're perfect." Naomi muttered, gazing at Jim.

"Which is which?" Jim asked, holding Elliot's hand.

"Your holding Elliot and I'm holding Malcolm." Naomi explained, snuggling closer to Jim with Malcolm. Elliot had woken up, but he didn't cry.

"Elliot doesn't cry?" Jim pointed out. Naomi nodded and kissed Jim's cheek.

"We missed you so so much." Naomi muttered into his ear.

"I would've missed you, but I was unconscious. I love you so so much though." Jim said, kissing her lips. "I can't believe I missed this."

"You didn't miss too much. They just sleep and cry." Naomi said, laying Malcolm on Jim next to Elliot.

"They're handsome." Jim muttered, tearing up. "I never knew I'd love them so much."

"Me neither. I can't believe it." Naomi said, smiling. "Do you want to see Bones and Alaska?"

Jim nodded and kept gazing at the babies in his lap. Naomi got Bones and Alaska.

"So, you're finally awake." Bones said, patting Jim's shoulder. Naomi said the babies in the carriers that they were brought to the sickbay in. The twins fell asleep soon after.

"Yeah." Jim mumbled. "Nice to see you too Bones."

"Oh don't complain, you were barely dead." Bones said, looking at the scanners.

"Spock explained the whole thing. Thanks." Jim muttered, smiling. Bones shrugged. "Any thing happen while I was out?"

"We're engaged!" Alaska burst out, covering her mouth after words. Jim was shocked.

"Hey, you proposed!" He yelled slapping Bones' leg. "What did you doc get her pregnant?" Jim joked.

"Well....." Bones started saying. Naomi screamed and covered her mouth, careful of the twins.

"You did get her pregnant!" Jim said, smiling. "Have fun man."

"Yeah. Yeah." Bones muttered, sitting next to Alaska and kissing her.

"When can I go home?" Jim asked, interrupting the kiss.

"Tomorrow." Bones said before kissing Alaska again.

"Great." Jim said, leaning over to pick up one of the babies.

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