Chapter 2: Discussions

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"Bones, I'm serious. I really like this girl. I've never felt this way about anyone." Jim Kirk insisted, he truly could be a stubborn man. His pace quickened, heart racing as he thought more about the nurse.

"I just don't see how she's any different from all the previous girls you've gone out with." Bones added, picking up pace to keep up with Jim.

"She just is. As I said, I've never felt this way before. This is different. All the other girls I've liked because their bodies and looks were gorgeous." Jim said, returning to his dorm. Bones followed him inside and grumpily sat in a chair.

"You went out with them and never called them again, I'm just curious as why you won't do this again." Bones said, trying to keep himself calm. The other man's stubbornness could really push his buttons.

"It just is. All of those one night stands, I feel like I'm just trying to close a gap I have in my life. That gap is love." Jim said, looking down at a cup of water he had just gotten. The water still swirled in the blue plastic cup, like hypnosis. Bones rolled his eyes at his friend's cheesy love statement, but sighed and decided to actually be helpful.

"I understand that and I thought that since the moment I met you. I knew you didn't have love or compassion in your life. You were never raised with it either. Your brother was the closest you had." Bones said, his tone becoming softer. "I know Naomi, she's a sweet girl, quite strong actually. Don't let that fool you. She's pretty soft underneath it all. Although can hurt you just as easily as you can hurt her."

"Neither of us will get hurt, why are you worrying so much?" Jim snapped, breaking out of the sadness he was in.

"I'm your friend and I care. I see you care and feel like you love Naomi, I get that, I just don't want you of her hurt. You've never had a love Jim. As you said, one night stands fill apart a void, but you can't do that forever." Bones said, getting a glass of water for himself.

"I know. I never thought I'd find anyone I loved. Ever. And now I have." Jim muttered to himself, smiling. "Naomi's amazing."


"Wait, hold up, you agreed to go on a date with Jim Kirk?" Naomi's roommate, Sabina, insisted. She bustled around Naomi, shocked her friend would do such a thing.

"Yes, Sabina, we've been over this. I can date who I want, even if you don't like it. Same goes for you." Naomi stated, looking through her outfits. "I know the date isn't until tomorrow, but what should I wear?"

"You're going on a date with the biggest womanizer in the academy. You realize that's a bad idea?" Sabina insisted even more, shutting the closet door before Naomi could pull anything out to start looking.

"Who's the biggest womanizer in the academy? Me, right?" A friend, Kayden asked, entering his friends dorm. Both girls picked up the closest thing to them, throwing it at their male intruder.

"Kayden, what did we tell you about knocking first!" Sabina yelled, irritated at the stupidity of both people. She returned her attention to Kayden. "Now go outside and knock on the door! And then go away!"

"Hey, I'm sorry." Kayden defended, raisng one hand in surrendor and the other pressing a food replicator. A bowl of popcorn appeared. "Now, who's the biggest womanizer in the academy?"

"Jim Kirk, and Naomi's going on a date with him!" Sabina exclaimed, still annoyed. She tried to grab popcorn out of the bowl, but Kayden moved away.

"Uh, uh uh uh!" He teased. "Not until I get an apology!" Kayden jumped up onto the bed to avoid Sabina.

"What's so wrong if I go on a date with him?" Naomi asked, getting increasingly annoyed by them. "And if you're going to keep doing that, get a room."

"He'll break your heart." Kayden, suggested, sitting on the bed. Sabina sat next to him and ate popcorn.

"He won't do that. I like him, and it was pretty obvious he liked me." Naomi said, looking at clothes in her closet. "Now, back to the original topic, what should I wear?"

"How about nothing?" Kayden suggested, which just caused Naomi and Sabina to hit his arms. "Fine, nobody ever likes my suggestions."

"In all seriousness, what am I wearing." Naomi stated, her face stern.

"How about this?" Sabina suggested, picking up a knee length dress. It was a medium blue, with some short sleeves.

"I like it." Kayden muttered, his mouth full of popcorn. Naomi ruffled his short black hair, causing him to laugh. "Sometimes I feel like a dog when people do that, mostly because I love it.

"You are very strange and very quirky, but that's why you fit in. Sorta." Naomi told him, confused slightly at her own statement.

"Oh, don't worry about it, I fit in." Kayden said, grinning. He picked up popcorn that had fallen out of his mouth and put it back in. Both Naomi and Sabina cringed.

"Sometimes he is so gross." Naomi muttered.

"Just hope Jim Kirk isn't the same." Sabina whispered to only herself.

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