Chapter 15: Psychic

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*Okay, I'm going to start putting warning in front of any chapter that will have abuse or violence or someone getting beat up. That was the warning for this chapter. It will usually just lost what will be in it. In this case, mentions of past abuse and beatings.*

Jim looked over at Naomi asleep in bed. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. Sadly, Jim closed the door to his bedroom. He walked outside of the apartment building into the crisp, cold, night.

Naomi's dream was true. Jim had never told her about the deal he made with the guys that were after them. He would meet them in one week, that week was spent.

Nothing had really happened in the past week. Jim had wanted to spend every moment he could with Naomi, that week might have been his last.

He was told to meet in an abandoned warehouse alone at midnight. Jim cautiously walked towards the large building. Ever since he entered the property, he felt as though he'd been watched.

"Ahahaughhaug." Jim muttered, his face being covered with a bag. His voice had been muffled and made quieter. It was too late to turn back now.

They took the bag off of his head. A bright light was shown in his face, his hair hanging close to his eyes. He hadn't had a haircut in a while, so his hair was getting longer than usual.

"I had no idea you'd actually come." A gruff voice said. A thinner man walked out of the shadows, his face covered by mask.

"I don't want to hurting anyone I love." Jim muttered, trying to take note of everything on the man that he could see.

"Don't talk unless we ask you too!" A bigger man shouted, kicking Jim in the back. Jim cried out in pain, his whole body arched.

"Don't hurt him, I want the pleasure of that." The leader man ordered. The larger man stepped away, his whole body showed anger.

Gasping, Jim looked over at the larger man. He had a black tattoo down his hand. This was the man that had beaten him about a month ago.

"Alright. We aren't going to kill you. This time. Consider yourself lucky. But, we are going to hurt you. Very badly. Try not to scream." The leader said, pulling out a knife. Four other people emerged from the shadows, two women and two men.

They started beating up Jim using many weapons. Knives, belts, jackets, string, and their own fists. Boots and gloves made contact with his face. He could feel the tense skin swelling. His ribs were already most likely broken, any movement, including breathing, hurt.

Jim's left leg was most definitely broken. His right shoulder was dislocated and he was covered in burns. One of them has a lighter and had held it to his skin. The skin had boiled and blistered.

Suddenly, they all stopped. Jim was still kneeling on the ground, only held up by the punches and kicks being thrown every which way. With nothing to hold him up, he collapsed to the ground. His head his the cold pavement, his whole body exploded with pain.

"Bring him back to his apartment. He lived with some girl, leave her alone, just bring Jim there. Prop him up against the door, knock on the door, and run. Understood?" The leader asked, kicking the back of Jim's head. His usually blonde hair was red with blood. His breaths were short and ragged, but they were there.

20 minutes later, there was a loud knock at the door. Caustically, Naomi walked towards the door. She noticed when she woke up that Jim wasn't next to her, this worried her greatly. While walking through the kitchen, she stopped and grabbed a knife. She neglected the note sitting on the counter.

Naomi opened the door, the knife held behind her back. Instead of someone standing in the doorway, a man fell. He hit the ground at Naomi's feet. "JIM!" She yelled, dropping to her knees by him. He was unconscious and almost unrecognizable.

"HELP!" Naomi screamed, her voice cracking, tears streaming down her face. "HELP! Please."

A security guard ran over after a couple minutes. The building had a ten minutes swap between guards. That's when Jim was brought in. The guard had just started his shift. Emergency transport was called, doctors had came. Naomi was told to stay home for a few hours before going to the hospital. As much as she didn't want too, she new she would just be in the way. Being a nurse had trained her for that.

Naomi sat down on the couch, her clothes covered in blood. Tears were streaming down her face. She noticed the note on the table. Shaking, she picked up the note.

Dear Naomi,

I'm so sorry for doing this. It was either I go there, or you and anyone else I love dies. I don't know if they'll kill me or not, but that's likely. When you told me your dream yesterday, it got me thinking. What if it was Frank was the one behind all this. Try to get the police to find him. He has many motives to do it, I was the little brat that ruined his life. Try to find Sam too, he always liked me. It's not him, I know that. I'm so sorry. I love you.


Sobbing, Naomi set down the note. She needed to find Frank, to find Sam. If Jim died, this was his last wish. The one thing he wanted to happen.

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