Chapter 17: Sometimes, Brothers Aren't Great

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*Warning: mentions of past abuse*

Jim and Naomi were back at the apartment when Sam came. Naomi was getting some much needed sleep, while Jim was watching TV.

Sam was buzzed into the building by Jim. He walked up to the apartment rather than taking an elevator. Sam barely had time to walk in the door before Jim punched him. Despite his shoulder, Jim could still punch hard.

Sam hit the floor lousy. He just let Jim hit him. He had been a lousy older brother and deserved all of it.

"Come in." Jim said, standing up. He helped Sam stand before showing him inside. "Go ahead and sit. We have a lot to talk about."

Sam sat on one of the couches, blood on his face. Jim brought him a towel and a glass of water.

"I'm sorry I left you when you were twelve." Sam grumbled, wiping blood off his forehead.

"You left me with the monster. He hurt me and abused me for a long time. Do you know how many times I had to walk to the hospital. There were times a had to literally drag myself there. It wasn't as bad when you were around, whether you believe that or not. How dare you leave me with the devil." Jim growled, getting agitated. His arm was in a sling, so he wasn't to intimidating.

"How could he have been any worse! Do you know how many times I took a beating for you! For my little brother! I protected you! It hurt me more than I can say to leave you with Satan! I just couldn't take it anymore!" Sam yelled, grabbing the towel tightly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think about it like that." Jim muttered.

"I tried to help you. I just couldn't anymore." Sam muttered back.

"Why couldn't you come back later, just to check in?" Jim asked, looking over at his older brother.

"I didn't want to. I couldn't go back." Sam uttered.

"You couldn't come back to help your brother! Not even once! Do you know the hell you put our mother and I through!" Jim yelled, starting to get agitated again.

"Jim, what's happening?" Naomi asked, walking out from Jim's bedroom.

"Sam's here. Go back to bed, there's just a couple things I need to settle with him." Jim said, trying to keep his temper in check.

"Don't get hurt." Naomi said, kissing him before going back to bed.

"What are you wearing?" Jim asked, noticing Naomi's baggy clothes.

"I woke up and heard yelling. I was only wearing a sports bra and underwear, so I just put on one of your shirts. Sorry." Naomi answered, pulling the shirt down lower. The was at her mid thigh. She was about 5' 6" and was 6' 0". The shirt was big on him, he bought it when he got injured a couple months ago.

"It's not a problem. Go back to bed, I'll be there in a few minutes. Sam probably needs to sleep." Jim said, smirking at Sam. Naomi left and Sam and Jim started arguing again.

"I'm going to bed. Where am I sleeping?" Sam asked, agitated. He stood up and grabbed his bags. Jim pointed towards Naomi's room. Sam stormed off and slammed the door. It was quite funny, a twenty seven year old man slamming the door of a bedroom.

Jim went to bed in his room. Naomi was already asleep. She was still wearing the shirt. Jim laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Are you and Sam okay?" Naomi asked, waking up a little.

"We'll work things out." Jim answered, pulling her closer. He was laying on his un injured arm, his injured one was wrapped over Naomi's stomach. He wasn't wearing the sling, so it was comfortable.

"I love you." Naomi muttered.

"I love you." Jim muttered, kissing her cheek. He put his head on top of hers, the sides of their faces touching. It was wonderful.

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