Chapter 19: New Identities

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*three months later*

Things did not turn out all right. The guys had gone after Jim twice. Their so called 'leader' had been caught, but he denied every thing about being leader. They were just a group that was supposed to go after Jim Kirk. He refused to reveal why.

Luckily, Jim had gotten wounds that Naomi and Bones could fix at the apartment. No need to go to sickbay. Every so often, Jim would crawl home, painful and full of blood. The academy could really take a toll on him.

Naomi would kiss him every night, just happy he's not injured to the brink of death. It was impossible to see him without a cut of a bruise.

There seemed to be hundreds of these men. Police kept capturing them, one by one. So far they had gotten eighty of these men. They've all been men, non of the women had been found.

Tonight, Jim came home from the academy, scratches littering his face. Blood was oozing out of one on his forehead, causing blood to get in his eyes.

"Jim, what happened today?" Naomi asked, helping him to the couch. Over the months, Jim had lost a lot of blood and even smaller cuts could make him dizzy.

"One of the women had attacked me today. No one was around, but I managed to fight her off." Jim said, wincing as she dabbed the cut with some alcohol.

"Did you figure anything out? Like tattoos, scars, etc?" Naomi asked, helping Jim lay down. He was swaying back and forth, his head bobbing. He could really get dizzy from this.

"She had a scar on her right hand. It was like someone cut her hand with a knife. It didn't look to old, maybe a couple months." Jim muttered, his eyes starting to close.

"Jim, stay awake!" Naomi ordered, shaking him. She messaged Bones to get to the apartment as soon as possible.

"It's...... So..... Hard." He muttered. His head was pounding, his eyes killing him. His eye lids felt like they weighed a million pounds each.

"I know, but you're going to have to try." Naomi said, kissing him. Jim had already fallen unconscious, which just made Naomi worry even more.

Bones messaged back saying he'd be about an hour. Naomi then called Sabina and Kayden to come and help. She could truly handle being with Jim on her own, but she needed someone to hand her bandages.

Kayden arrived first. He just rolled his eyes and laughed when he saw Jim. "This happens all the time. When will it end?" He joked, grabbing a bandage to hand to Naomi. He's done this enough to know the drill.

"I hope soon. I hope they capture everyone after him." Naomi muttered, taking to bandage. She moved the towel off of Jim's forehead. "Hold his head up."

Kayden held Jim's head off of the pillow and helped Naomi wrap the bandage. When they finished, Naomi still held Jim's head in her hand. "You really love him." Kayden muttered, smiling at Naomi.

"Yeah. He's great. You wouldn't think so because of his former reputation, but he's amazing and kind. He's so sweet and love able." Naomi muttered, looking at Jim sleeping. He looked so small, so fragile. The cuts made him look even tinier and softer.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late." Sabina said, walking into the room. "Do you need help?"

"Not anymore." Naomi said.

"You sure?" Sabina asked, grabbing another bandage. On the back of her right hand was a scar. It looked as though it had been cut with a knife. About two months ago.

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