Chapter 13

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Samiya's P.O.V

"Oh my god Roc" I cried as I lifted his head up. I dialed 911 on my phone and they were here in an instant.

 2 hours later

I paced back in forth in the lobby. Everyone was here. Ray, Prince, Prod, their managers /bodyguards, some woman (I'm guessing is his mom) and some fans were outside the hospital. A man with a white lab coat came around the corner to where all of us were. everyone sucked up there tears and focused on the doctor.

"Is there a Samiya here?" I stood up shocked as too why they wanted me.

"The patient would like to see you" I nodded my head in agreement and followed the doctor. when we reached room 56B I walked in and the doctor left. When I walked in Roc had all different types of machines hooked up to him. He looked like he was sleep but when I sat down in the chair next to his bed his quickly woke up and looked at me.

"Hey, are you feeling any better"

"Yea, thanks by the way"

"Why are you thanking me"

"If you hadn't found me, I'd probably be dead"

"Oh, well your welcome" we both smiled.

"Sean did it"

"Sean did what"

"Stabbed me". I was so shocked. I couldn't believe it. I knew Sean was crazy but I didn't know he was this damn crazy! He really has lost it. But I should have already knew Sean was capable of doing this, I mean he is a drug dealer, yep and at only 17.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry"

"I guess its ok" He said but I knew it wasn't ok. Sean damn near took his life.



"Where do we stand"

"What do you mean"

"I mean about us, our relationship"

"I don't know"

"Me either"

"Well honestly Samiya, I don't know if I can be with you again. You cheated on me and it seemed like you didn't give a damn when I confronted you"

"I know"

"Well then why the hell did you ask me"

"Stop fucking yelling at me Roc"

"I'm just telling the truth"

"You know what, fuck you" I got up off the seat and walked out when I passed the lobby I got a couple of looks from Roc's friends and family but that didn't stop me from walking straight out the hospital. Since I rode on the ambulance here, I had to walk home but it wasn't that far from here.

When I got in the house Alances and Alani ran up and hugged me. I knew they were coming back early I just didn't know when.

"I missed you niggas" I said hugging back.

"We missed yo ass too"

"So how did it go with you brother" I asked Alani.

"Its great, we actually patched things up, he said that the only reasoned he left is because he couldn't handle the pressure of taking care of me since he was only 14 and I was 6, but I could understand why though" I smiled at her, happy that she finally has her brother back.

"What about your sister, Alances"

"Its great. She's actually moving to Chicago with her boyfriend"

"Chi town!!!" I said laughing. It was great to have my sisters back.

"So what's up with you and le boo" Alances asked sitting down on the couch across from me and Alani.

"Well actually, we broke up"

"Damn, why"

"Sean" Alances and Alani already knew Sean so that was the only thing I needed to say in order for them to understand what happened.

"Samiyaaaaaa" Alani said "Why would you do that, you knew how that boy felt about you"

"I know but I needed some sex and Roc was never here to give it to me"

"But still, You knew you were wrong" I really didn't need their lecturing right now. Their really starting to piss me off.

"Ok yea. I know I was wrong, its over with now" I said with an attitude.

"Yea whatever, and I know what happened to him about Sean" Alances said

"What? How?" I asked

"Ray just texted me. He said Roc is hella mad at you" What? I thought he said he was fine. Even though I knew he was lying. But still, he could have told me instead of telling someone it had nothing to do with.

"I couldn't give one rat's ass" I said getting up off the couch.

"Well you should, because of Sean, you almost lost the love of your life" Alani said more as a joke than a statement.

"Shut the hell up" I said being the most serious than I ever have been with them.

"Woah. No need to yell at us for being good advice givers" Alances said

"You have know right to judge anyone. Aren't you sleeping with Ray and ya'll not even official and Alani I bet Prod don't give a damn about you, look at all the other bitches that want him. All he has to do is drop you and he'll have another one in the blink of an eye" I yelled at them. Well I couldn't help it they pushed me to my limit

"I know damn fucking well you not talking. You sleep with a guy every damn night and don't even now their names. All you know is their number and there penis size. But guess what, I see right through you Samiya. You only sleep with them because your lonely. your just to damn stubborn to realize that you get a guy all the time because you are lonely.We have been nothing but nice and sisterly to you and you come to us with this bull shit. Roc almost lost his life because you wanted to be a selfish bitch and cheat. And I bet you still don't realize what you lost. He was so good to you. He bought you things, spent his only off time with you and this is how you repay him. But I guess you'll realize what you did when you get diagnosed with all the damn stds in the book" I was stunned, shocked, upset, and pissed the fuck off. I knew all of those things were true but I just didn't want to admit it. I stormed up to my room and packed my things.

After done packing I ran right to the door, walked out of it and slammed it shut. I got in my car and just cried. I wanted to cry until all the hurt, the lies, the pain, the stress, would go away, I knew crying wouldn't erase all of that. But I knew what would.


Awww poor Samiya.

Where do you think she will go.

alani on laaaaa sideeeeee

Bad Girl (A Roc Royal Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin