Chapter 2

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Samiya's P.O.V

so I woke up at about 6am and got in the shower. I put on some high waist shorts, a red sleevless crop top, a black cardigan and my bred 11s. I flat ironed my hair and put on some silver bangles. me and the girls were out the door in about seconds. when we pulled up we parked next to the barbies. we called them barbies because they were all light skinned with blonde weave. it looks so rachet. they have 3 members. Leah, Jayla, and Kamie. we were the most popular girls in school and they were too but most people hated them becuase they were fake as fuck. they already knew not to mess with us because they knew they would get their asses and the girls walked in our homeroom. this was Ms. Simmons class. she was 26 and she is so fucking cool. I love her. the minute we walked in she was on her phone on twitter.

"wassup simmons"

"wassup miya"

"my nigga, you stay coolin it"

"hell yes, everyday all day" i love her to death man.

we all took a seat and then four boys walked in. I knew they were from Mindless Behavior but I didn't really care that much. I didn't really know any of their names. I just kne wthe one with 2 braids and short curly hair was sexy ass hell.a bunch of the girls started to scream once they realized who they were.

"shut the hell up" Simmons got them in check real fast

"this is Roc, prod, Ray, and princeton,their new, take a seat wherever" Simmons went back to her desk and went back on twitter. the one with curly hair or "Roc" sat next to me and licked his lips. even though he was sexy AS SHIT i was not about to sit there and let him think I was like one of the other hoes.

"Im not your typical kind of girl, so let's get that straight right now"

"calm down, whats your name"

"Samiya, or miya"

"well im ro---

"I know your Roc"

"so I see your a fan of Mb"

"Not really, Simmons just introduced you to the class"

" well smarty my reall name is Chresanto, but you can call me Roc if you want"

"cool" i said sarcastically. just then the bell rung and it was time for 1st period. I walked out the room and went to my worst class of all I went to the bathroom first becuase I needed to check if I looked good. then I heard the tardy bell. when I walked in the class everyone stared at me and even Mr. Battle. I hate him. he's always on my case about something.

"your late, once again Ms. Evans"

"I know"

"and this class is the perfect example of a student that will be homeless, locked up, and a drug attic" I turned to him

"And this class is the perfect example of not using a condom when you fuck someone, this is the result" everyone laughed at what I said

"Samiya get out of my classroom and go to detention"

"my pleasure" I walked out and went to the basment where the detention was. Mr.Knight was already use to me because I have detention everyday because of that damn Mr. Battle.

"hey knight"

"damn, samiya back so soon"

"I hate freaking Mr. Battlle"

"we all do" I walked to my usual seat in the back of the room by the window. I put on my navy blue beats and turned on pour it up by Rihanna.

then someone caem and sat next to me. it was that boy Roc.

"wassup, samiya right"

"yea, what are you doing in here mr. bad boy"

"spit balls at my teacher"

"on your first day, Im shocked" we both laughed. please dont think I like him becuase I don't. the bell for lunch rang and me and Roc laughed adn talked the whole way to the cafe, when we got their I went to sit down with Alani and Alances at our table. yes we have our own table.

"hey hookers" i said laughing

"so you have a boo now" Alances said

"hell no, I just want to see wassup in those pants"

"theres the miya, we know and love" Alani said hugging me

after we all ate we departed ways and went to our 2 period. I had this class with all the fucking barbies. I walked in and took my seat. Mr. Burns was a cool teacher but not as cool as Simmons. it was now 3:55 and school was over. I was determined to get Roc in my bed today so I invited him over to "study". in about 5 minutes he was here he came in and we sat on the couch.

"So do you want to do simmons class firs--------

i went straight to the point and kissed him. we soon ended up in my bed room. im finally satisfied. he left at about 12am.

"ok see you at school" he leaned in to kiss me and I let him for some strange reason

"ok bye" i shut th edoor and walked back to my room until I heard alances yell "YO FREAKY SELF"

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