Chapter 4

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Samiya's P.O.V

So I woke up and still felt like shit. Although not as bad so I decided to go to school. I got up and did my morning routine and put on some clothes. I put on a light grey sweater with minny mouse on it ( minny mouse had a pale pink bow) with some light colored skinny jeans that showed my curves really good, and some pale pink sparkly toms. I put some big bouncy curls in my hair and got my pink juicy couture necklace with matching earrings and bracelet. I picked up my pale pink Louie Vuitton bag and walked out the door. Alances and Alani were already gone because I woke up late. I got in my car and drove to school. When I got there I went to the front office and got a late pass and then went to Ms.Simmons class. When I walked in Simmons was as always, on her phone. I sat in my seat which was ironically next to Roc's. I sat down and took out my phone along with my beats until I felt him tap me. I took off my headphones giving him my full attention.

"What do you want"

"I wanted to say sorry about yesterday,I didn't mean to yell at you like that"

"Don't think you hurt my feelings because you didn't"

"You know what, your a really fucked up person"

"Oh good for me"

"To think I use to like you"

"You think by saying that, you'll have me wrapped around your finger, well I don't work like that" just then the bell rung and everyone parted ways to there Class. I was doing the same thing until someone grabbed me and slightly pushed me to the locker. Everyone was in there class by now so no one was around.

"Can you just stop being a bitch for once"

"Sorry, I can't" I sarcastically said trying to get out of his grip but by now he had his hands on my waist and I was against the locker. And we were looking directly at each other.

"Listen Samiya, I really care about you"

"Listen Roc, I don't like you so can you just leave me al------

I suddenly felt lips on mine. Why won't he just leave me alone. I have to admit he is sexy as hell but I'm not a relationship type of person. I broke apart and ran to the bathroom. I still was feeling a little shitty so I have to throw up. When I got to the bathroom I ran right in the stall and locked the door.

"Samiya are you ok?"

"Leave me alone"

"Can you stop being so damn difficult and answer me"

"I'm fine". I came out the bathroom and walked out with roc following behind me.

"Maybe you should go to the doctor"

"For what, I said I'm fine"

"If you let me take you to the doctor, I promise I'll leave you alone"

"Fine" I wasn't even worried about school and I guess he wasn't either. We drove in silence to the doctor and when we got there it wasn't really a lot of people so the doctor called me in the back really fast. The doctor told me to give him a urine sample. Wtf. When I was done I gave it to him and he came back in the room.

"Congratulations Samiya, your pregnant. Those words played over and over in my head.

Congratulations Samiya, your pregnant.......... 

Samiya, your pregnant... 

Your pregnant.... 


What am I going to do. Just then I zoned back in.

"I know your 16 and very scared but its ok. Your only about 5 weeks to its not to late to get an abortion. Abortion. That word seemed familiar.


10 years ago

I heard my mom coming home at 3:00am just like any other night. But this time I was awake to finally see her. I got off of what was supposed to be me and mom's bed but its mine now because she never come and even though I'm only 6 I stay here by myself.......every day.......I walked downstairs to her with a man. She looked horrible. Like she had been beaten.

"Are you my daddy" I tapped the man and asked him.

"What the fuck, I ain't yo daddy" he ran out the house and slammed the door.

"Got dammit Samiya, I swear I hate you. I should have just got that damn abortion like I started to. And then she walked out the house. That was the last time I saw her.

~End Of Flashback~

"No sir, I don't want an abortion"

"We'll your all done here so here is the medicine your suppose to take". I left out the room where I saw roc on his phone. When he saw me he stood up and rushed to my side.

"So what did the doctor say"


"You what"

"I'm pre......

"Dammit, just say it Samiya"

I broke down crying on his shoulder and he held me tightly.

"I-I'm P-pregnant" I said while still crying. I don't think he said anything because he was probably thinking the same thing as me. Who's the father?

Bad Girl (A Roc Royal Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora