Chapter 6

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Samiya P.O.V

Wait.... did she just say she was my mom. My fucking mother that abandoned me. The same woman that called me a mistake. She had to be joking.

"Why are you here?" I said sitting up.

"Before you go ranting about things, please let me explain. I know I abandoned you and at a very young age. I truly am sorry. I really wanted to get clean and stop my wrongful ways, so for the last 10 years I went to rehab and got clean, now I own my own hair salon, live in a wonderfully big condo, but all that's missing is you Samiya. I love you and I just want to be in your life again". Damn, so was I getting a lot of lectures or what. Honestly I just don't know what to do. She hurt me when she left. I cried every night until I met Alances and Alani. But then again she is my mom. It was the drugs that did that to her.

"Ok". I can't believe I just said that. I actually said ok to letting this woman back into my life. She jumped up and hugged the mess out of me. She cried and so did I. But out of happiness. We caught each other up a little on our lives. I told her I honestly sleep with a guy every night. I told her about roc. Even though he isn't really anything to talk about. I even told her about me being pregnant. She really understood since she had me at 16. But all I wanted to know was one thing.

"Who is my dad". She got wide eyed and sighed she then looked me straight in my face with a calm glare.

"Tremaine Austin Smith. I met him when I was 16. He went to my school. We didn't even know each other. He just one day told me he loved me, and I believed him. As soon as I got pregnant, he walked out. Since the day he walked out I became known at the 16 year old stripper. I needed the money..... For you. I'll admit, I always cursed at you and yelled at you because I believed that you were the reason Tremaine stop loving me. Now I know that wasn't the truth. I'm so sorry Samiya". She started crying. I hugged her tight. I never got to hug her before. I'm so happy she's back in my life now.


Today was Friday and I decided to go to school even though I was just in the hospital yesterday. I got up and did my morning routine. and picked out some clothes. I ended up putting on some army pants with a white shirt that says trill on it in gold and my construction timberlands. I shook out my naturally curly hair and put on a black trill hat. I walked out of the house and was on my way to school. When I got there I saw Alances talking to the boy Ray and Alani talking to prod.

Alances and Alani were very different from me. They could settle down with one guy, unlike me. But somehow we all became best friends. I saw Roc and he was talking to this girl named Stephanie. Stephanie was a true hoe. Some people may call me a hoe but I'm really not. Sex was my way of coping with things. Stephanie use to be apart of the barbies until she slept with Leah's boyfriend and then she was so called "kicked out".

But you won't believe what just happened. Roc and Stephanie just kissed. What the fuck. But I don't even care. I walked right passed them and into the school. As I was walking I bumped into someone.

"Watch where the hell your going". I said picking up my north face book bag that was knocked on the ground

"My bad, shawty". That voice was so deep but not deep enough for anyone to be scared of him. He was light skinned but a little darker than me. He had both his ears pierced just like Roc. He had low cut brown hair and he had the most beautiful smile ever. Not better than Roc's though. Wait why am I thinking about Roc when he obviously isn't thinking about me. His outfit could make any girl hypnotized. He had on a sleeveless black shirt that showed his muscles really well, some denim Levi jeans with some bred 4s. Damn he was sooo freaking sexy. But I have to lay off the boys until this thing comes out of me.

"Yea... your bad". I walked away and went to homeroom. Surprisingly Simmons was writing something on the board. But it was only the date. I went to my seat and after about 5 more minutes everyone poured in. Along with the guy that I bumped into today.

"Wassup yall, today we got a new student, Jacob Latimore". After Simmons fully introduced him to everyone he took a seat and Simmons went to her desk and took out her phone to get on twitter as usual. Jacob sat at the desk near Roc and Ray. I just sat in the back with Alances since Alani was cuddled up with prodigy.

"So what's up with you and Roc now"

"I don't even know, I told him I only wanted to be friends and then I saw him kissing that bitch Stephanie"

"Well do you like him"


"Then why are you so worried"

"I'm not"

"Whatever Samiya, If you like the boy than you better tell him before its to late"

"Whatever, You know how fast Stephanie drops her boys"

"Yea, but I heard they already fucked and you know she drop them the same day, but they have been with each other for a while now, they might even be dating"

"If Stephanie dates a boy, its because she wants something"

"Its probably his money"

"Probably". The bell than rang and it was time for first period. Knowing that Mr.Battle had got fired I proudly walked in to the room. Behind the desk was another man. He looked to be in his early 30s. He was light skinned but a little darker than me and had both of his ears pierced and has low cut dark brown hair. He had on some black Levi jeans with a long sleeve white shirt, which he had rolled up so you could see a tattoo, he also had on some black nike boots. I immediately connected to him. As if I knew him or something. I took my seat and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. Everyone left the class room but I decided to stay after because I wanted to get to know a little about the new teacher. I sat down in the seat across from his desk.

"Yes Samiya, do you need something"

"I wanted to get to know you more". He laughed

"Ok what would you like to know"

"Anything that you willing to tell me"

"Well, my full name is Tremaine Austin Smith. I'm 32 and I'm single with no kids". Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. This can't be happening. I stood up with my mouth dropped open.

"Are you ok Samiya"


"I'm what"

"My father". It became real quiet until I decided to speak.

"So why did you do it"

"Do what"

"Leave my mom"

"I think you have the wrong person"

"So your not the Tremaine Austin Smith that dated Selena Renee Evans when you guys were 16 and then you left her when you found out she was pregnant. Your the reason why she rejected me. She stopped loving me because of you". At that moment I was bawling out tears. I wanted him to know my pain.

"Samiya I loved your mother, I wasn't ready for that responsibility"

"And you think she was. She was only 16! She didn't have any one to help her". Suddenly someone walked in

"Samiya, the office called me because you weren't at lunch so I came up here because I got worr-----. She cut herself off by looking up and realizing who she was in the room with.


"Trey". She ran straight into his arms and he caught her. They both shared a long passionate kiss. Wow this is what I've been wishing for my whole life. A family. Nothing can go wrong in my life now right?


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