Chapter 12

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Roc's P.O.V

I can't believe she would do that to me. I should have listened to Alances when she told me that she couldn't be faithful. And when I broke up with her she looked like she had no emotion, like she didn't have one nice bone in her body. Its like she never cared about me from the start.

When I went to her job I was going to try to fix things but once that employee asked who I was looking for, I realized that I was looking for someone that didn't even care about me. So you know what, fuck it. Fuck Samiya and fuck the relationship we had.

Samiya P.O.V

I took off early from work because it was getting boring there. It was still spring break and I had nothing to do. Absolutely nothing. Maybe I'll text Sean.



'Wassup shawty' 


'Come over, I'm lonely :(' 


'Be dere in 5, im takin you somwhere' 


I got up from my couch and took a quick shower. When I got out I put on a fresh bra with matching underwear, and a pink dip hem dress with some pink toms. I shook out my hair and after a while I heard a car horn. I grabbed my new iPhone 5 and keys and walked out the door and into his grey escalade.

"Where we going" I asked putting my seatbelt on. Safety first.

"I got tickets to go to a Heat game"

"Forreal". he nooded he head

"Ok aight" I said getting excited. Miami Heat was my favorite basketball team. And today they were playing the Knicks. And I loved to see Carmelo Anthony. Damn he was sexy but so was Dwyane Wade. And neither of them single. Shit.

When we pulled up to the arena it was almost nowhere to park. After a minute of driving around looking for a spot, we found one. We got out the car and walked inside the big ass "gym". We had front row seats.

When we sat down Sean said he was going to get some snacks and said he was going to be right back. I pulled out my phone and got on my Instagram. I took a picture and posted it. I got like 500 likes in under a minute. I had 79k followers. Don't ask me how but it happened. As I was looking at all the likes I got, I got a chance to look closer at the picture. Roc is in the picture? But how? I looked around until I found him sitting 3 seats down from me with the guys.

Roc's P.O.V

"Knicks gonna win, hands down" Ray stated as a response to me

"The hell they not, brah we got LeBron, who the fuck ya'll got, nobody"

"Man whatever" I laughed at his frustration

"I'm going to get me a soda, I be back". I got up and started walking towards the outside of the arena when I bumped into someone I did not need to bump into right now.

Samiya's P.O.V

I was just about to go to the bathroom until I bumped into someone. Roc.

"My bad, ma" was all he said, no 'hey samiya, or 'wassup samiya'. Was it true that he really was on over me.

Sean's P.O.V

After I got the snacks I started walking back down to the arena until I saw that nigga Roc, thinking he could just come up on me like that at Samiya's crib, I don't think so. I walked up to him at the sidewalk.

"Sup, nigga" he looked at me and was about to dap me up until he realized who I was and said,

"Get the hell away from me"

"Or what" I said with a smirk.

"You want yo ass beat again, or something"

"I sure as hell do". I pulled out my pocket knife from my pocket and stabbed he ass in the stomach. I watched him slowly collapse on the floor. No one was around so I just walked pass him like nothing happened.

Samiya's P.O.V

Just as I was getting ready to go to the bathroom I saw Sean coming back to our seat.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back". When I told him that he looked like he was worried, as if he didn't want me to go to the bathroom. I decided not to say anything about the look and just continue to the bathroom, until I saw something, no someone, Roc.



awwwwww shidddddddd

1. why do you think sean would stab Roc

2. Is Samiya completely over Roc yet

3. Was Roc.....lifeless

Alances on da side tho

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