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The sound of someone frantically banging on the door woke Emily Prenitss from a deep sleep, grumbling she slid out of bed and pulled a sweater over her black singlet from the cold wind coming from the air conditioning.

She didn't need to bother to cheek out the peephole there is only one person she knew who would coming knocking on her door at six am in the morning.

"JJ you do realise it's early right?" Prentiss grumbled, feeling even more annoyed when she noticed that JJ had already gone for a run and she was still smiling.

The blonde girl pushed past Emily and took a seat on her couch "by all means come in" Prentiss scowled shutting the door behind her.

Prentiss took a seat beside her overly happy friend and she smoothed her hair down, "so how was your date" Prentiss said trying to sound interested.

JJ held up her left hand, and a Prentiss's eyes widened "no way, he proposed" she said looking up at her friends smiling face.

"On your first date to" she added as she examined the shiny piece of jewellery located on JJ's finger.

"It looks expensive" she said dropping JJ's hand and JJ giggled "I know" she said admiring the shiny piece of silver.

"Well congratulations" Emily said sinking back into the chair and JJ smiled even bigger "so I was wondering if you want to be my Maid of Honour" JJ asked and Prentiss lifted her self from the chair her eyes widening, her grumpy mood leaving her body.

"Seriously" she asked getting excited and JJ nodded "seriously" she said and Prentiss let out a little squeal.

"We have to have a girls night, and this is just going to be so much fun" Prentiss said taking JJ's hand.

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