Not Crashing

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~4 Months Later~

JJ sat at her desk going through her paperwork, her blonde hair was pulled up into a ponytail and she was fitted in her usual attire, a pant suit. As she finished the last sentence of latest case her crystal blue eyes met the photograph propped up on her office.

It had been taken only months before Spencer's death and he had been kissing her cheek, his eyes bright and happy, the smallest smile appeared to her face.

She had let go, not of him because he was simply unforgettable but now he was her hope, whenever she felt down she would gaze at his picture or squeeze the locket with the same photo around her neck it would never be the same but she knew he wouldn't want her to live her life like she was.

There was a tap at her door and looking up she saw Prentiss standing there "hey JJ, we are heading down to the bar, you wanna come" Prentiss said as she slightly rearranged her fringe.

JJ shook her head "I was planning on heading in early, have fun" she said as she picked up her handbag, but as she left she sped to catch up with Emily "heard from Hotch" JJ asked as if it was no big deal, but to her it was.

Three months ago Hotch had just vanished randomly saying he had some personal work to do, and no one had heard from him since, no one thought it was a big deal but JJ did, and she was desperate to know why.

"Nah, I'm sure he will check in soon" Prentiss said with a reassuring smile before she walked off to where the rest of the gang was standing.

"Mommy" a voice called out as JJ opened the door, she was immediately greeted by Henry and she pulled him up so he was resting on her hip, "hey buddy" she said planting a kiss on his blonde head.

"Hey Jen" a voice called out and gently letting Henry slip to the floor she was enveloped by Will into a hug, "I missed you" he whispered into her ear and she lent into his body.

JJ sat with her feet propped onto the coffee table and a mug filled with coffee in her hand, the only light in the house was the TV in front of her, she couldn't sleep and Will had already gone to bed so she was stuck alone not that she minded.

Grabbing her phone she opened up her camera roll, she had numerous amounts of photos on there but she never really had bothered to look through them until now.

Scrolling up to the top she clicked on the first few that had popped up, there was just photos of her and Henry, but then she come across a video clicking play she felt a small curl at her lips when she realised it was the video Hotch had taken of the whole team as they were up on stage singing piano man.

Spencer's arm was snaked around her waist and she was smiling, her blue eyes shining, her hand found it's way to the locket and she gave it a gentle squeeze feeling warmth flood through her.

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