New Video: My boyfriend does my makeup.

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"Sky, we all know this is going to end terribly." Aidan said when he saw the dining table filled with all sorts of makeup.

"And that's why I wanna do it." I said as I set the camera up.

"Fine, but this means we're eating pizza tonight." he said and he sat down on the chair next to mine.

"I can agree to that." I said and I quickly fixed my hair a bit.

Aidan then pressed the camera on, and placed one arm around me.

"Well, today's a big day. Aidan's gonna do my makeup! Aren't you excited?!" I yelled but Aidan just shook his head.

"Look at all this freaking makeup, I probably know about 5% of this stuff!" Aidan exclaimed making me giggle.

"Well, go ahead. Do my makeup!" I said and I faced him.

"Uhm, I think I need to start with this skin coloured fluid stuff, right?" Aidan said and I just shrugged.

He then started rubbing it all over my face, I knew this one wasn't really my colour though, so I knew I looked hilarious.

"F*ck, this is not your colour. But I can make this work." he said and he grabbed my bright red blush.

"Which brush do you use for this one? The big one? Or is this for your eyes?" he asked and I handed him the big brush.

He then carefully put it on both my cheeks, and on my nose.

"I think I'm gonna do the eyes now." he said and he carefully put the brush away.

"Ooh, this red one's so pretty!" Aidan said and he grabbed bright red eyeshadow.

"I know you like the colour red on me, but aren't you putting a bit too much red on my face?" I asked and he immediately put the red one away.

"Okay, then I'll do this black glittery one." he said and he carefully dipped his finger in the eyeshadow.

"I know you always apply your eyeshadow with your fingersa, so I'm gonna try to also do that. Close your eyes, please." he said and I carefully closed my eyes.

He pressed extremely hard, it really felt like he was trying to pop my eyeball out.

"You're pressing way too hard!" I exclaimed and he quickly pulled his fingers back.

"Sorry, baby." he said and he continued very careful.

"Yes, done. Now I need to do the eye pencil thing." he said and he grabbed the bright red pencil.

"Read what it says." I quickly said and he immediately put the pencil away again.

"Okay, this one is better." he said as he grabbed a black pencil and put one hand on my cheek.

I looked at him, he was still reading what it said on the pencil.

"Can you look up?" he asked, getting me out of my trance.

"Oh yeah, sorry I wasn't really paying attention." I said and I looked up.

I felt him making a line next to my eye, with the wrong pencil.

"What is wrong with this one, it's so light?!" he exclaimed and wiped one of his fingers on my face.

"That's an eye-pencil, not eye-liner, baby." I said making him groan.

"Ugh, so many things?! Where is the eye-pecil for then?" he asked making me giggle.

"That's for underneath my eyes." I said and he sighed.

"Okay... Look up again." he said, and once again placed his hand on my cheek.

I felt him putting it literally underneath my eyeball, not on the line under my eye.

He quickly did both sides, and then grabbed another pencil.

"This is an eyebrow pencil, why do you need a freaking eyebrow pencil?!" he exclaimed making me laugh.

"To fill in all the gaps, but I never use it. It makes my, already dark, eybrows look even thicker and darker." I said and he nodded.

"Let's try that for once then." he said and he started just literally drawing in my eyebrows.

"I will look terrible!" I exclaimed making him chuckle.

"No, you'll look beautiful. I promise." he said and he put the pencil away.

He then grabbed the lipstick I had on when we had our fancy dinner in our trailer.

"Is this the one you wore when we were on that date?" he asked and I nodded.

"I hope I can make this work then." he said and he slowly started putting it on.

"Okay, I already screwed up." he sighed and he tried to wipe something on my face.

"How bad do I look?" I asked and he took some distance.

"I could've done way worse." he said and I shortly giggled.

He then kept on doing the lipstick, and he sighed every time the lipstick got on something else than my lips.

"Okay, f*ck it, I'm done." he said and he put the lipstick down again.

"Can I have a mirror?" I asked and he handed me my mirror.

My lipstick wasn't that bad, but I had concealer, of the wrong colour, on my cheeks and nose. And my eyes, they did look terrible.

"Wow, this is really bad!" I exclaimed and Aidan grinned.

"But seriously, would you kiss me like this?" I asked and Aidan gave me a small kiss.

"Yes, I would always kiss you." he said making me blush.

"Well, this was it for this video. I hope you liked it." I said and Aidan placed his arm around me.

"Leave a like, or a comment. Bye guys!" Aidan said and we both waved at the camera before turning it off.

"Okay, I'm gonna clean my face." I said and I walked to the bathroom.

My boyfriend's terrible at doing my makeup!

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