Chapter 3

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I woke up earlier than Aidan, and I quickly turned to him in the bed.

He had an emotionless face, kinda cute.

I carefully slid out of the bed, and walked over to the kitchen.

We still had some pizza left from last night, I grabbed it, and sat down at the table with my phone in my hand.

I had alot of messages, from alot of different persons.

Adam: *picture*
Adam: Do you like it?
Skyla: Yes, thank you so much.

Lee: When are you leaving to London?
Skyla: Our flight leaves at 11 am.
Lee: Excited?
Skyla: Yes, very.
Lee: Have you already found a place to stay.
Skyla: Yes, of course! I'm not dumb!
Lee: Okay, that's good.

I haven't found a place to stay... Oh sh*t, maybe Aidan and I can stay at Adam's place.

Skyla: Small question...
Adam: What's up?
Skyla: Can Aidan and I stay at your place? We forgot to book a hotel.
Adam: Of course, Dean's actually already here.😜
Skyla: Thank you 😊😉

And then last, Amber. I haven't seen her for so long, but we try to stay in contact.

Amber: How are ya?
Skyla: I'm fine, are you still single back there in California?
Amber: F*ck. You. Skyla. Turner.
Skyla: That's not my name...
Amber: It will be someday, right?
Skyla: I hope so, but I don't think it'll be soon.
Amber: Well, do you want it to be soon?
Skyla: IDK!
Amber: ....
Amber: How's Pike doing?
Skyla: He's huge, I think he just took my spot in the bed with Aidan.
Amber: So you're bf is cheating on you with your dog?
Skyla: Yes...

"Babe, are we gonna go running?!" I heard Aidan yell through the apartment.

"Yes, gotta look hot for the premiere!" I yelled back and I could hear him laugh.

I put my phone away, and I walked to our bedroom again.

"Hey Pikey." I said and I ruffled his head quickly before turning to Aidan.

"Goodmorning." Aidan said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder.

"Hey, we forgot to book a hotel in London. We can stay at Adam's place." I said and I quickly pecked his lips.

"Let's get changed." I said but he seemed sad with the amount of love I gave him.

"Babe, did you text your dad?" he then asked and I nodded.

"It was not about you, don't worry." I said as I grabbed my running outfit and laid it down on the bed.

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the kitchen." he said and he quickly kissed my cheek before walking off.

I got changed, and made a simple ponytail in my hair.

When I walked to the kitchen, I saw Aidan with my phone in his hands.

"Explain this." he said and he showed me that I had a new message from Tom.

Tom: Goodmorning beautiful❤️

"What the hell is this, I'm gonna call him." I said and I started calling him on speaker.

"Hello, Tom's speaking." a british voice said and Aidan crossed his arms.

"Why on earth did you text me goodmorning?!" I exclaimed and I could hear laughing in the background by him.

"Chris?! Did you really text Skyla?!" I heard Tom yell and I smiled at Aidan.

"Babe, it was just a prank." I wispered and I gently hugged my, still worried, boyfriend.

"Sorry for that text, it was a friend of mine. But now we're calling anyways, how are you?" he asked but Aidan signaled me that I should hang up.

"Sorry Tom, I was about to go running, so I can't really talk right now." I said and I saw that even Pike was waiting for me.

"Oh, you're coming to London for the hobbit premiere right?" he asked and I could see that Aidan was getting more impatient by second.

"Yeah, but I really gotta go now. I'll text you later." I said and I quickly grabbed Pike's leash from the countertop.

"Okay, bye Sky." he said and I immediately hung up.

"Finally, let's go." Aidan said and held the door open for me.

"Why don't you like Tom, he's so nice and kind." I said as we both walked out the door, and he had Pike on a leash.

We went to the park, we first jogged five rounds, and then we sat down on a small bench.

Aidan grabbed a stick, and he threw it far away, making Pike run away to get it.

I started thinking about my dad again, and what it would be like to see him again. I haven't seen him in one whole month, I did really miss him.

"What are you thinking about?" Aidan asked, getting me out of my trance.

"My dad, can you promise you won't tell him we did it at the premiere?" I asked but his face didn't show any expression.

"Skyla, you know I wanted to tell him before you moved in with me, but you stopped me. I'm gonna tell him at the first chance I get to speak with him in private." he said and Pike came running back with the stick in his mouth.

"Fine, but you know it'll break his heart." I said and he shortly sighed.

"You've told me that a million times, but that won't change my mind." he said and he threw the stick away for Pike again.

"Okay, fine. Tell him, but if he kills you. It's your fault." I said and he slowly put his arm around me.

"Babe, Lee doesn't hate me anymore. I'm not his first choice to date you, but he doesn't hate me." Aidan said but I looked away from his face.

"Come here, Pikey." I called and Pike happily came running back to me.

"Seriously?" Aidan questioned but I just ignored him and petted Pike's head.

"Sorry to tell you, but it's 9 am. So I think we gotta go back now." Aidan said as he stood up but I still ignored him.

"Then we do it my way." he said and I felt him pick me up.

He put me on his shoulder, and he put Pike on his leash.

"You can't go running with me on your shoulder." I said and he chuckled.

"You dare me?" he asked and I grinned.

"Yes, what do I get if I win?" I asked and he stopped running.

"You go shopping with me for a whole day." I said and he laughed.

"And if I win, you....kiss me at the premiere. Full on the mouth, deal?" he suggested.

"Deal." I replied and I shortly shook his hand.

I'm by the way already going to say, tomorrow I won't be able to upload a new chapter. Because I have school stuff to handle, I get to go to summer school. Yeeh:(.

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