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I found this amazing questions hobbit thing. I decided to anwser all the questions, I'd really love to hear what you guys think of my opinion or what you'd anwser. Here we go then?!

1. Favourite charachter?
I'd have to say Kili, but in my head it's a constant battle between Legolas and Kili.

2. Least favourite charachter?
Alfred, a tiny part of me tells me to like him, but I also hate him... It's weird, I know.

3. Have you read the Hobbit?
Yes, of course I have. But I read very slow, so I'm not planning to read it again.

4. Favourite scene?
It's the escape scene from Mirkwood, I love how Peter Jackson made it epic with slight hints of his humor.

5. Favourite dwarf?
Kili, but also a tiny bit of Thorin. Kili will always be my favourite though, if I had to pick one.

6. Favourite wizard?
Radagast the brown, just his sillyness and his little bird nests. So adorable.

7. Where would you live in Middle-Earth?
I'd hope to live in Mirkwood, that'd be the best, but Rivendell would also be pretty cool!

8. What is your OTP?
From the Hobbit I'd have to say Legoriel even though Tauriel isn't in the books.

9. Favourite quote?
I have two quotes that just melt my heart. 'I belong with my brother' and 'because it was real'. If I had to choose it probably the first one.

10. Fili or Kili?
Kili, I do really like Fili. I think alot of people prefer Kili over Fili because Kili is an archer, and most archers in movies are pretty hot. And maybe it's because Kili doesn't have a beard...

11. Legolas or Thranduil?
I really can't choose, they both have like things that are awesome. I'd love to be Legolas' mom, but I'd much rather have Thranduil as father in law, I guess. So I'm gonna pick Legolas for this one.

12. Elves or dwarves?
Elves, I like the ears and the perfect hair, no beards, just everything! So definitly elves.

13. What race would you be?
I'd love to be a small elf, like Eryn, because I want to be an elf but hang around with some dwarves and hobbits.

14. Favourite weapon?
I have one dagger at home, it's actually real, and I'm pretty good at bow and arrow and throwing knives. But I would want to be a very skillfull with two daggers, like Tauriel.

15. Was there a scene that made you cry?
I am an emotional wreck, so of course I cried. I cried when Kili died, Fili died and when Thorin died.

16. Would you have gone on the adventure?
Yes! I always complain about my life being boring, so hell yes!?

17. Have you watched the cartoon version?
No, I haven't. I've seen several pictures of it, and the elves looked weird... And since we have better movies, with hotter elves. So I never felt the need to watch it.

18. The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings?
The Hobbit, alot of people dissagree on this but okay.

19. Do you own any merchandise?
Aaaaah, the question that makes me die!? I hate living in the Netherlands when it's about merchandise, it's just not available anywhere.... But I do own two Marvel shirts, which were really expensive.... A friend and me have been talking to save some money together to buy an exact replica of sting!

20. Did you buy the Hobbit on DVD?
No, but for Sinterklaas(Dutch christmas) I'm gonna ask the DVD box with all three the movies.

Well, those were the questions. Please comment on all the questions or copy this and tag me there because I'm really curious about you guys' anwsers.


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