Chapter 4

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Oh no, we had arrived at the entrance of our apartment building. And I was still on his shoulder, but we still have to take the elevator.

"Are you tired yet?" I asked because I could feel that he was breathing heavily.

"No, I can do this all day." he replied as we stepped into the elevator.

"How can you do this so long? I would've passed out after five minutes." I exclaimed and he grinned.

"Did you forget I'm amazing? And I'm stronger than you think I am." he said and we walked out of the elevator.

"And I'm lighter than you think I am." I sighed and we walked into the apartment, I had lost.

"Okay, I win." he said and he put me down.

"Can't I just kiss you now, and get it over with." I sighed but he grinned, in a bad way.

"Nope, one full kiss at the premiere. On the red carpet." he said and he put both our suitcases by the door.

"Can you pack some stuff for Pike? I'll pack some extra stuff for myself." I said and I walked to our bathroom.

I need, both our teethbrushes, toothpaste, makeup, my razor, Aidan's razer, and....

"Babe, what do need to pack for you?!" I yelled through the house.

"Did you already pack soap and shampoo?!" he yelled back and I laughed.

"Almost!" I yelled back and I quickly grabbed all the soap and shampoo.

I put everything in a smaller suitcase, and I put it next to the suitcases by the door.

"Kiss break?" Aidan questioned and he smiled at me.

"Small one." I said and I quickly pecked his lips.

"Are you done packing?" he then asked and he put his arms around me.

"Almost, only my handbag then I'm done. Do I need to put something for you in there?" I said and he just handed me his phone-charger and a camera.

"Why the camera?" I asked as I did put it in my bag.

"What if we wanna film something for your channel." he said and I nodded understanding.

"True, are we ready to go now?" I asked as I clipped Pike's leash on.

"Yeah, let's go get my car." he said and he grabbed his suitcase and one of mine.

I grabbed my other suitcase, and Pike's leash. The garage was on the lowest floor of our apartment building.

Aidan was, of course, driving, because I have never even tried to drive a car in real life.

"What time is it now?" I asked and Aidan quickly looked on his watch.

"Almost 10 am, we'll be at the airport at 10:30 if the traffic keeps being extremely sh*tty." he replied and he put his head on the steering wheel.

"C'mon, baby, it could've been way worse." I said and I grabbed his hand.

"I hate being stuck in traffic, it's the worst." he sighed and I rubbed his hand with my tumb.

"It's gonna be okay, I'm here." I said soothingly and he smiled a little bit.

"I know, and I love you, but I still hate to be stuck in traffic." he said and he turned his head to me.

"Let's play a game then." I said happily but he shortly sighed.

"What kind of game?" he asked, still not smiling.

"What about, did you know that... We both take turns and finish that sentence." I said and he sat up straight again.

"Okay, you start." he said and I started thinking.

"Okay, I got one. Did you know that I was abducted a day after I moved in with Lee. By his girlfriend, Amanda, I've been stuck with her for two whole days." I said but I felt a lump forming in my throath.

"Wow, that's quite scary." he replied, clearly showing intrest with my story.

"Well, now it's your turn." I said and I happily put my hands together.

"Well, did you know that I used to be a ballroom dancer before I became an actor." he said and I was truly blown away.

"So that's why you're so good at dancing! You should really teach me something, I'm not that good at ballroom dancing." I said and I could see a smile creep on his face.

"Okay, I will. But now it's your turn again." he said, and we could finally drive again.

"Did you know that... I've never been kissed by anyone exept for you. If we don't count the lip biting with Dean." I said and he smiled.

"Well, I already knew that. And I see it as luck, now you can't compare my kisses to the ones from another man." he said and I kinda giggled.

"True, but it's your turn now." I said and he started thinking again.

"Did you know that I have an adopted little sister, she's 21 years old.(This is a lie, Aidan doesn't have any siblings in real life)" he said and I smiled.

"A little sister? That's awesome! What's she like?" I exclaimed and he laughed.

"She's a cat lady, and still lives at my parent's house. She's a real gossip girl, but I like her, she's cool." Aidan said and I smiled really bad.

We went on talking about his little sister, Ashley. She sounds like an awesome girl!

When we arrived at the aiport we were getting photographed from every side that was possible.

"Skyla, are you already engaged?" a woman asked but I just tried to ignore her and keep walking.

We checked in at our gate, we had Pike being put in a cage so he could go in the back of the plane.

I had the window seat, but to my disliking, Aidan wasn't next to me.

Next to me, was a small boy, I'd guess he would be eight years old.

I grabbed my laptop, but when I opened it. There was a post-it on the screen.

I edited some stuff for ya.
Some video's are ready to upload, I also downloaded some movies for ya, from disney.
Love, Aidan<3

"Is that from your boyfriend?" the boy next to me asked and I shortly smiled.

"Yes, he's such a sweetheart." I said and I started my laptop.

"Are you gonna watch a disney movie?" he asked and I nodded.

"You wanna watch with me?" I asked and he heavily nodded.

I gave him one of my earbuds, and I started the movie 'tangled'.

"I know who you are." he then said all of a sudden and I turned my head to him.

"You do?" I asked and he shortly smiled.

"You're Skyla Pace, my sister talks about you all the time. You're an actress from The Hobbit, but I don't remember a girl being in the Hobbit." he said innocently and I smiled.

"I play the princess of Mirkwood, I play Legolas' little sister." I said and his eyes widened.

"Legolas is my favourite charachter!" he exclaimed and I giggled a little bit.

"My favourite charachter is Kili." I said shortly, and after that we started watching our movie.

That's what I did for the whole trip, I watched disney movies with a strange kid. It was nice.

Double Meleth/Mahal/Lover{Aidan Turner}Where stories live. Discover now