Chapter 21

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Aidan and I were still sitting in the back of the car, with our phones.

I was playing some kind of game, but then I got a pop up message and I immediately pressed it.

Aidan: Hey💕
Skyla: Heyy😘
Aidan: I miss our house...
Skyla: Why? Don't you like California?
Aidan: No, it's just that I'm allowed to have sex with you now, and I want it.
Skyla: Can't we do that here then?
Aidan: I don't wanna do it in Lee's house, I just wanna pleasure you, with every single muscle in my body, in my own place.
Skyla: Aidan...
Aidan: I just wanna have you, there are so many things I still wanna do with you. But only so I can please you sexually, love.
Skyla: Aidan? Are you really sexting me?
Aidan: I guess, I can't say it at loud.
Skyla: I love you❤️
Aidan: Love you too❤️
Skyla: Love you more❤️
Aidan: Love you more than pizza❤️
Skyla: Okay, you won. Congrats🏆

"We have no life..." I sighed making us both burst out laughing.

"Were you guys really texting eachother?!" my dad exclaimed and we both started blushing.

"Yeah." I replied shortly making my dad laugh.

"We'll be there in twenty minutes, maybe you guys could talk at loud this time." Eliza said, Aidan and I shortly kissed and then leaned against eachother.

"I'd love to be a mom." I sighed and I felt him chuckle lightly.

"I know, but I think you're too young. I just wanna make sure no mistakes will be made, I don't wanna make you feel bad about yourself." he replied as he started playing with my hair.

"We could adopt, even though I don't think it'll make me feel like a real mom." I said and he just hummed.

"Someday we're gonna have those little ones, I promise." Aidan said and he put one hand on my stomach.

"Isn't it cool that my first boyfriend will also be my husband and stuff." I said giggling and he smiled.

"Yeah, I did have multiple girlfriends in the past. I thought I had four in total." he said and I smiled.

"That girl, the one you had sex with on the beach. Was she your girlfriend?" I asked but he shook his head.

"No, after that day she was already on a date with one of my friends, they also did it on the beach. But then they broke up, got back together, broke up, got back together, and now they're engaged." he said and I smiled.

"But they're not getting married any time soon?" I asked and he laughed softly.

"Not that I know, and he's my best friend from Ireland. He'd tell me if he was getting married." he said and I nodded.

"And what about your four girlfriends, tell me about them." I asked but he sighed.

"Why?" he just questioned making me smile lightly.

"I wanna know what kind of girls you've dated." I said and he sighed.

"Vallery, Lillian, Madison and Katelyn. Vallery, Lillian and Madison are all from Ireland. Katelyn wasn't, she was from America." he said and my eyes shot wide open.

"Tell me more about Katelyn, maybe I know her." I said and he sighed loudly.

"Blonde hair, she was just as old as you. Uhm, really sarcastic, and has lived in a small dirty apartment. We broke up because she was only searching for my fame and money, I didn't have sex with her." Aidan said and I smiled.

"I think I know her, she was in my orphange with me. What was her job?" I asked and he just raised his shoulder.

"She never wanted to tell me, but she was only working at night. Maybe she became a hooker." Aidan said laughing but I froze.

"It wouldn't really suprise me if she was, which city did she live?" I asked and he just hugged me closer a little bit.

"The same one where we got Pike, so I guess your hometown." he said and I laughed.

"I can't believe you dated my old best friend, she's like the opposite of me." I said and he laughed.

"I didn't know, but I think she had some work done on her boobs and butt, after we broke up." Aidan said and I laughed.

"That's hilarious, I wanna see her again." I exclaimed but he heavily shook his head.

"Please don't take me with you, she always gave me the worst nicknames, it was so freaking annoying." he said making me giggle.

"Like what kind of nicknames did she gave you?" I asked and he bowed his head down in shame.

"Aidy, Ai-bear, Baby-boo, my little boy, all that kind of stuff. I truly hated it!" he exclaimed but I laughed so hard.

"I'm gonna call you 'Aidy' from now on." I said and he laughed followed by shaking his head wildly.

"Your hair's getting pretty long, maybe you should cut it again sometime." I said but he gave me his puppy face.

"Oh, come on. You love my hair, you can't also demand me to cut my hair. My beard, fine, but my hair?! Hell no!" he exclaimed as he put his hands on his head.

"Oh, believe me, she can do that." my dad said and Aidan looked at me in terror.

"Fiesty girl." Aidan said and he poked my nose.

"Shut up." I mumbled making him laugh a little bit.

"We're here." Eliza then said and the car stopped.

We all got out, and grabbed our suitcases.

Eliza opened the door, and let us all in.

"Wow, this is quite big." Aidan gasped and I smiled.

"I know, I've missed having this much space." I said and I looked around, nothing had changed.

"My apartment is so tiny compared to this!" Aidan exclaimed making me giggle.

"Well Aidan, welcome to the Pace house. Do you like it?" my dad asked and Aidan heavily nodded.

"Lee, are Skyla and Aidan allowed to share her room?" Eliza yelled through the house and I felt Aidan slowly finding my hand.

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