Chapter 9

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"Sorry, but if I was Aidan I'd have the same. It's hard not being able to have sex with you while you already know it's awesome, and you're not really the ugly girl." Dean said and I nodded understanding.

"I know, but I hate it too. Every intimate thing we have makes me feel guilty. Just because of my dad, he is still really protective over me." I said and he kinda laughed.

"I think your life's like a disney story, you have a prince you're not allowed to do anything with, and you have the overprotective villain or father." he said and I kinda laughed.

"But I'm not locked in a tower waiting for a prince to save me." I said and he gave me the 'seriously?' look.

"Okay, you're like sleeping beauty. You have to wait patiently for your prince to save you, but you already know that it'll take two years. I'm feeling so sorry for Aidan though, we should get him something nice or do something nice." he said, and he grinned wildly at the last part.

"Dean, I know having sex with him will cheer us both up, but I can't. Last night we both admitted that we are thinking about the night we slept together alot." I sighed as we arrived in the middle of the city.

"I know exactly where to go, don't lose me, understand?" he said and I immediately nodded, kinda intimitaded, why was he acting so protective of me?

"But what can I possibly do for him, he does so much for me, and I just don't know what I should give him as some kind of present. What do guys like?" I said and Dean raised his eyebrows as we walked into one of the many tubes.

"You know what he wants, but that's not something we can give him. So... Maybe just a new outfit for you, maybe he'll like to see you in something sexy." he said but I just hummed.

"I don't want that, I would just feel uncomfortable then. Which has also been quite a problem lately, we both feel uncomfortable when we see the other naked, we didn't always have that. I just don't know what to do, I need your help." I sighed and I put my head on his shoulder.

"You could always just give him a long and romantic massage." he suggested but I shook my head.

"He already did that to me, I can't do it back then. What would you want if you were like Aidan." I said and I could see he started thinking.

"You could get another dog, Pike seems to bring you two closer." he said but I shook my head.

"We already have trouble taking care of Pike, we can't take another dog." I sighed and he nodded.

"I would just go for sexy outfit, and a massage." he sighed hoping I would give in.

"But I'm afraid that will lead into...doing it." I said and he sighed once more.

"I don't know then, this is really hard!?" he exclaimed and I lightly giggled.

"I know, but I want to give him something amazing, just to make sure he'll be okay." I said and Dean pulled me up from my chair so we could go out of the tube.

"But first we're getting you new heels, and a new purse, right?" he said and I happily nodded.

"Yeah, I would like them to be in the colour of the necklace you gave me for my birthday. I'm planning to also wear that, and the ring from Aidan of course." I said and he nodded.

I saw a small boutique, and I dragged Dean into it.

"Did you actually bring the necklace?" he asked and my eyes shot wide open.

"F*ck, I forgot it!" I exclaimed and he grinned slightly.

"I have a picture of us together while you were wearing that necklace so don't worry about it." he said as he handed me his phone.

"Thanks." I said shortly and I started looking around for matching shoes.

"Hello? May I help you?" an older woman asked and I turned my head to her.

"Well, I was looking for a pair of heels that would match with this necklace." I said and I showed her the picture on Dean's phone.

"I see, I'll check if I have something laying around." she said and walked away.

"Wow, Sky, look at these!" Dean exclaimed as he held a pair of extremely high heels up.

"Should I try them on?" I asked giggling and he nodded as he handed me the heels.

I sat down on a chair, and I quickly put them on.

"I'm huge!" I exclaimed and I was only a tiny bit smaller than Dean now.

"I see you like heels alot." the woman said and she came walking back with a box in her hands.

"Yeah, I'm a very small person so I think I wear heels daily. Exept when I'm alone with my boyfriend of course." I said as I took the huge heels off and handed them to Dean again.

"So you guys are like a couple?" she asked and we both burst out laughing.

"Oh no, we are just friends. It was some kind of punishment that he has to go with me, but I enjoy having his company alot." I said and she handed me a pair of galaxy patterned heels, they were awesome.

"Do you like them?" she asked and I heavily nodded as I put them on.

"They're also really comfortable, I like them." I said as I walked around a little bit.

"Dean? What do you think, should I take them?" I asked making him put his phone away.

"Yes, they're cute. I like them." he said shortly and I smiled.

"I'll take them." I said and I handed her the box with the shoes in it.

"Excellent, that will be $150 then." she said and I, of course, paid with my card.

"Thank you so much, have a nice day!" I exclaimed before I walked out of the store.

"You too, darling!" she yelled back ans I smiled.

"Can we go get ice cream now? Then we can also discuss the Aidan situation." Dean said and I shortly sighed.

"Fine, but since you want ice cream so bad. You're paying." I said and he grinned.

"I'm a gentleman, I would pay anyways." he said and we went to some kind of italian ice cream shop.

I had my chocolate again, and he had strawberry, which is also not really bad.

"Soooo, what are we gonna get Aidan?" he questioned and I sighed again.

"Why is this so hard?! We've been dating for almost half a year, and I still don't know what he likes. I'm the worst girlfriend ever!" I exclaimed but I saw that Dean didn't like those words.

"You're an amazing girlfriend, your situation is just quite confusing." he said and I blushed lightly.

"Maybe I should just buy something sexy, and cuddle on the couch maybe." I said and Dean nodded agreeing.

"Sounds cool, I'm thinking you're planning to do that on the night after the premiere." he said and I nodded.

"Do you think he'll like it?" I asked and he heavily nodded.

"As long as you look hot, Aidan's happy." he said and I must admit, it is true.

"I think you don't wanna come and shop that outfit with me?" I asked ans he shook his head.

"Aidan would kill me, I'll wait here for you. Good luck." he said and he put his sunglasses on for dramatic effect.

"Thank you, mister dramatic!" I exclaimed and I walked off.

I think I've been away for an whole hour now, and I bought more stuff than I was planning to buy.

Let's just say I walked past a few of my favourite stores, so c'mon, how could resist that.

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